Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] look [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I used to try and look like Elvis and sing like Little Richard .
2 Because of the case , of going to court to claim compensation for James , we had to have neuroligists to come and look at James and assess him for thes claim and they have said that James is not in a persistent vegetative state . ’
3 Dasha actually wants to come and look after Stavrogin , as actually as Svidrigailov is bored — ‘ especially now ’ , he says , as America looms .
4 We might as well explore and look for clues .
5 We will carry out pilot projects for the ‘ foyer ’ concept , whereby young people are given a place in a hostel if in exchange they give a commitment to train and look for work .
6 And you 'd got to go and look for work .
7 Is there a tendency for you as a journalist , though , to go and look for information in other sources if you possibly can , to do
8 I have enough intelligence to go and look at graphs and look at charts and do my research and I see the turn that was made from 1979 to 1989 and I see the way things are in my country .
9 I wanted a chance to go and look in Vic 's shed . ’
10 A majority of Gujerati women , particularly those from East Africa , do work or look for work outside the home .
11 This is the leading edge of medical technology and therefore it has to be done at the proper pace within the ethical considerations and I think the team 's decision to pause and look at evaluation is the right one .
12 The Horse Rangers Association was founded in 1954 by Raymond Gordon FRSA to teach young people from the age of seven and upwards how to ride and look after horses and ponies .
13 part of it , have a look at it , Sandra , if you pa if you pass it onto each other and then just say that I think that 's worth getting cos we do have the money now er to start and look at things like that .
14 I 'll try and look to sort of student access erm , total theoretical will have , erm , some of your own transcripts by then .
15 They arranged to separate and look for Mould and Mcduff to help them .
16 " Yes , there is , " Martha replied , with a firmness which she could hardly have inherited either from her father or her mother , " but there 's no reason why we should n't go and look at things .
17 ‘ We could go and look at pictures , or walk to Florian 's for a drink , or just sit downstairs and talk .
18 I would go and look for Ben Gunn 's boat !
19 ‘ Sit down , ’ the endocrinologist suggested , ‘ and I 'll go and look for Faye . ’
20 Cure is , yeah its , it makes 'em better , cure is a I do n't know any , I 'll go and look in dictionary that 'll tell us , erm
21 How can we , can you stand and look on top of see it sticks on .
22 Want 's a transfer , there was hundred 's of people on the list to try and get this way , I mean it 's like this women who took Jane 's house , to swop Jane , she did n't even come and look at Jane , she said yes I 'll have it
23 Foucard said : ‘ One of our officers will come and look for fingerprints later today .
24 I have , in my capacity as Senior Anatomical Pathology Technician , been called upon to collect and look at bones discovered in various places , i.e. sealed behind walls , found in shallow graves , fields , etc. and so it was that a few years ago I became very interested in some questions of osteology .
25 Of course we hope that Dounreay will diversify and look for work outside nuclear tasks , especially in the area of alternative and renewable energies ; but we all know that the fast reactor programme will cease in 1994 and I do not think it right that , as a matter of policy , the hon. Lady should seek to shut off the work going on there to reprocess nuclear fuel .
26 But many commentators saw only a decline in the desire to rear or look after children , a weakening of the cohesive effects of the family , and an associated diminution of the buoyancy of the stock in terms familiar at least since the Boer War .
27 Only then did he turn and look at DeVore , inclining his head slightly .
28 Then he saw Carrie turn and look at Mick and Mick take her by the shoulders and look down into her face .
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