Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] attention to " in BNC.

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1 Taking the Report as a whole , the Commission has naturally paid attention to the different interests of those involved in the day to day running of the criminal justice system .
2 In his article ‘ Polonium : Windscale 's most lethal legacy ’ ( New Scientist 31 March , p 873 ) John Urquhart has rightly drawn attention to the omission from consideration of polonium-210 in the National Radiological Protection Board 's report on the 1957 Windscale reactor fire .
3 My hon. Friend has rightly drawn attention to the progress that has already been made .
4 Svetozar Koljević , in his study The Epic in the Making , has also drawn attention to the importance of the oral tradition in a peasant society , most of whose members had no access to the written word .
5 The adult has then drawn attention to a deliberate change in the array , and asked again about the numerosity of the sets .
6 Olaf Pedersen has recently drawn attention to St Paul 's complete indifference to time and chronology : he never even dated his letters .
7 Anindita Balslev has recently drawn attention to the subtlety of many of the Hindu philosophical arguments , for example that concerning the perceptibility of time which took place in the eleventh century .
8 However , Salaman ( 1979 ) has recently drawn attention to the dialectic between managerial control and workers ' resistance as a vital , if often neglected , aspect of class conflict .
9 Since that time , despite a further decline in profit margins , Amstrad 's PAS-score has risen again following attention to its balance sheet .
10 Overall , the results suggest that even for this client group ( who are traditionally the most difficult to place ) small staffed homes can provide improved client experience as measured by engagement in meaningful activity ; but that to do so requires attention to the quality of staff performance as well as to basic material and social resources .
11 In terms of client activity patterns , the overall results suggest that even for people who , in addition to their severe or profound learning disability , have very serious challenging behaviour , small staffed homes can provide improved client experience as measured by engagement in meaningful activity ; but that to do so requires attention to the quality of staff performance as well as to basic material and social resources .
12 In your language learning always pay attention to the rhythm and try to mimic the language helper as accurately as you can .
13 Thibault lately drew attention to the potential benefits of heroic interventions for aged subjects with an account of an 87-year-old woman who was doing well after aortic valve replacement and simultaneous triple coronary artery surgery .
14 But here I prefer only to draw attention to those basic principles which underlie all matters of form , whether in short phrases , large movements , or even gigantic symphonies , leaving aside the study of conventional forms ( sonata form , binary form , etc. ) which the student can find better illustrated elsewhere .
15 In a pre-election report entitled Politics for All , Runnymede had already drawn attention to the painful gap between … the fine statements and aspirations of official policy statements on the one hand and the painful realities of discrimination and exclusion on the other .
16 In his earlier letter to Timothy , Paul had already drawn attention to the importance of maintaining right standards of conduct alongside right beliefs .
17 Muayyad Said also drew attention to the fact that the items stolen from the museum in the district of Dhu Qar include a copy of the obelisk of Hammurabi , a statue of Venus and a chariot of Assurbanipal as well as ‘ jewellery , valuable objects , and clay tablets from various periods ’ .
18 Cawkell had earlier drawn attention to the fact that important ‘ local ’ journals may not appear in JCR or in citation maps .
19 I had no idea that being in a commercial rock band would be like this , because I 've never paid attention to other commercial rock bands .
20 Some of the claims have been on the basis of debatable information , and all have been highly selective and have only drawn attention to the adverse elements of research whilst ignoring much encouraging , positive information .
21 First , the one I have already drawn attention to — love is infused in us by revealing love .
22 I have already drawn attention to the power there is in weakness and it is often the case that God is able to take ordinary weak things of this world and make them powerful for him .
23 I have already drawn attention to the appalling contrast between the plaintiff 's young life as it was before the accident and her life as it is now .
24 Hall et al have also drawn attention to the role of exercise testing in young patients ( less than 55 years ) .
25 However , we have also drawn attention to some less satisfactory features , several of them fundamental .
26 Previous studies have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that voters , particularly those who read lowbrow tabloids , tend to believe the news on television but remain sceptical about what they read in the press ( see , for example , Negrine , 1989 , p. 3 ) .
27 Sukenick repeatedly draws attention to such underground processes , always as a prelude to comic dismissal : the dynamite is a dud , weapons fire blanks , and so on .
28 Since the late 1970s feminist sociologists have increasingly drawn attention to gender as a dividing principle too .
29 A number of Russian newspapers have recently drawn attention to the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death in April last year of Anatoliy Sviridenko , one of Russia 's leading researchers into art thefts .
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