Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] at the station " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He met me at the station … ’
2 Rich and Syb met me at the station .
3 And er also many engineers when they were out their time , they went to Glasgow and for a few years , he , everybody who went from Galashiels , word got through to him and he met them at the station and got them settled in their digs in Glasgow .
4 I do n't know if any of you have ever been to Newcastle before — if not , I 'd be happy to meet you at the station , or wherever , ( as long as it 's not too early in the morning ! ! ) , take you for a drink , and show you how to get to the ground .
5 On the morning of the day when Therese Aschmann was due to arrive in Hochhauser , Willi spent a long time getting ready before he went to meet her at the station .
6 ‘ They wo n't know us at the station , in London , ’ said Jonathon suddenly .
7 But even before the farmers had come up to the market someone had probably met them at the station , because each dealer had a tout — a local man .
8 ‘ I have n't seen you at the station recently , ’ said the Station Master .
9 Having met him at the station on 3 December , a Tuesday , we walked back to the Old parsonage , in St Giles 's ( now a hotel ) , where Michael Cullis had pleasant lodgings .
10 No one would travel in that manner who could help it — who had time to go leisurely over hills and between hedges , instead of through tunnels and between banks ; at least those who would , have no sense of beauty so acute that we need to consult it at the station .
11 Yeah , cos I might , I might see you at the station if you get the train .
12 It took me about quarter of an hour to sort it all out , and then she asked what train and said she 'd get her mum to agree to ‘ take in this ‘ Vern ’ or whatever his name is ’ and meet us at the station .
13 ‘ Yes , if Dad 'll meet me at the station — ’
14 He had intended to leave them at the station , but the Left Luggage Office , he had just been reminded , closed at 9.30 .
15 Get a ticket to Stowbridge and I 'll meet you at the station . ’
16 They will meet us at the station .
17 ‘ Anybody could have driven it to Exeter and dumped it at the station without leaving traces that would be discovered by anything short of a pukka forensic examination . ’
18 Daniel Marsh usually met him at the station , but today Nahum was early .
19 Yes , you said that when I saw you at the station , ha ! ha ! ’
20 But he could n't just leave her at the station .
21 ‘ If you feel inclined , ’ it said non-committally , ‘ join me at the Station Hotel , Edinburgh on Friday , then I 'll show you the smugglers ’ den .
22 Mrs Rose left him at the station and returned alone to London .
23 The taxi driver who left us at the station , enchanted by the idea that we were setting off for the source of the Nile , refused to accept any fare .
24 Right you are ; we 'll be a party of six ; see you at the station in an hour ! ’
25 See you at the station . ’
26 He came back from London and someone had to tell him at the station .
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