Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] felt the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I have known you always , it seems , and when we at last met I felt the air between us stir as if you too knew . ’
2 When she returned she felt the need to explain .
3 As the tears began he felt the shiver of approval , of consensus , on his back .
4 ‘ This time as I talked I felt the ground move .
5 I would find it too distracting to have you around the place , knowing you felt the way you evidently do about me … that is , ’ his tone changed , ‘ how much you abhor my touch . ’
6 Paige subsided , aware of a grim satisfaction in knowing he felt the strain every bit as much as she did .
7 In spite of the worry at the back of her mind , she sat down beside her patient and said gently , ‘ As I sat having my breakfast to the sound of church bells , with the sun coming up behind the hills , I think I felt the sort of affinity you must have with Samana .
8 I think he felt the blow more than any of us .
9 The development officer said she felt the project had been unable to help much , because of the attitude of the relatives ; the principal carer had not been relieved in any way , and therefore her preference for institutional care ( without the ability to make it happen ) remained .
10 The legendary Scottish mountaineer , Hamish McInnes , said he felt the work of the expedition was important , and could lead to possible breakthroughs in the treatment of mountain sickness .
11 a physicist in Fusion at Culham , said he felt the outcome ‘ Was the best conceivable that staff in the Fusion business could have hoped for . ’
12 Even two years later , at the 1980 Annual General Meeting , the President said he felt the Constitution to be ‘ ideal for its needs ’ .
13 As his dive steepened he felt the speed pick up again ; there was still life in the controls , somewhere .
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