Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] in the wrong " in BNC.

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1 I said to Claire , I said , I 'm sticking them in the wrong one .
2 That 's what I should have done but I got them in the wrong order .
3 ‘ It 's funny , ’ says Brian , ‘ they 're both so like my own kids that we often say the stork must have dropped them in the wrong homes the first time around .
4 Sometimes the they make a fuss if you put them in the wrong place .
5 Put them in the wrong places ai n't he ?
6 It is very unlikely that a solar panel would chop your hand off if you accidentally put it in the wrong place , but the 36 in ( 91cm ) span of the larger wind generators can be deadly .
7 I was bringing my own but I put it in the wrong pocket of my coat and it fell through the lining and smashed . "
8 How would the bank staff know if hed put it in the wrong way round … it just does nt ‘ suck ’ it in. unless he forces it in .
9 a lot of sixteen year olds are still having trouble with decimals like that and they 're adding them in the wrong place .
10 He was still shuffling videos on the shelves as if having suddenly noticed that someone — herself , probably — had replaced them in the wrong order .
11 You want to avoid getting them in the wrong order or dropping them , so number them in the top corner , and link them together with a tag .
12 He was trying to put her in the wrong again .
13 I do not intend to give the precise wording of a regression session on these pages because some readers might try to use it in the wrong way .
14 But that line is a difficult one to draw , and some traders or lenders may inadvertently draw it in the wrong place .
15 — You get it in the wrong place , he 's had it .
16 Everything you say , he takes it in the wrong way .
17 My Higher Self was warning me that this project , though attractive , would take me in the wrong direction , and would be a costly mistake .
18 You 're burying her in the wrong grave . ’
19 It was risky — the sentry would be sure to hear their horse as it picked up speed — but crossing the dangerous waters of the Severn at night was riskier , and would point them in the wrong direction for Winchester .
20 Fate had put her in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong man .
21 ‘ Tennents did it in the wrong way .
22 ‘ I did n't steal your money , you stupid bitch , you must have put it in the wrong apron . ’
23 Jon Newsome has big trouble with his cash dispenser card — he regularly puts it in the wrong way round .
24 far beyond their income and when they get the money they spend it in the wrong direction
25 But at the same time , if you treat it in the wrong way , it will strike you dead . ’
26 Even so , giving bright light at a time which should not affect the body clock or even adjust it in the wrong direction could be tested — as has already been described .
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