Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] carry out [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Law Commission committee says that this principle is not good enough ; sellers should be under a legal duty to reveal everything they know and ought to know about their property — which would oblige them to carry out a survey before offering it for sale .
2 On 9 March , Coleman received a detailed encrypted message from Control setting up Operation Shakespeare , clearing his visit to Lebanon and instructing him to carry out the mission as Thomas Leavy , of Westinghouse Group W News .
3 ‘ The refinancing will place the necessary cash at the disposal of Norsk Data A/S , enabling it to carry out a private resolution in which its unsecured creditors are offered a cash dividend of 25% , but the banks ‘ required as a condition for financing that the present share capital shall be written down to zero , and that a share issue shall be carried out by partly converting the banks ’ debt into equity . ’
4 Teachers need not be afraid of explaining to pupils their reasons for wanting them to carry out a certain piece of investigatory work .
5 Each style equips you to carry out a different stage in the learning cycle .
6 It would be placing too heavy a burden on an employer to require him to carry out a formal medical investigation and , even if he did , such an investigation would rarely be fruitful because of the transient nature of the employee 's symptoms and complaints .
7 The Hygiene supervisors felt as though the planes would land on their heads , but this did not stop them carrying out a thorough and hygienic job .
8 Another alleged he carried out an illegal abortion at her home .
9 The jury heard he carried out the attack on a post graduate Russian student as she cycled home across Oxford 's Port Meadow last July .
10 Consideration should be given to the background of prospective clients and their motives for requiring us to carry out the work .
11 In execution of that policy it was proposed that a circular would be issued to all local authorities asking them to carry out a review of the curriculum in their areas in consultation with their schools and to report the results within about twelve months .
12 When you come to answer an exam question , remember that it is probably asking you to carry out a number of different tasks .
13 The ideas were always Durance 's , he always initiated the paintings and when his hands permitted he carried out the work , but as he had become increasingly crippled the execution had been left more and more to his protégée .
14 The ‘ observer as participant ’ is known by the group under study to be an observer but has been accepted , temporarily , by the group and allowed temporary membership to enable him to carry out the research .
15 The one on Display screen equipment work obliges us to carry out an assessment of each workstation ( computer , software suitability , accessories , peripherals , and the immediate working environment , including furniture ) , to ensure that all new workstations meet the criteria , and to bring existing stations up to the required standard .
16 Two-thirds claimed that training had allowed them to carry out the farm work in less time and with a reduction in mental and physical effort .
17 As it is getting towards summer they would like the work done as soon as possible and subject to a satisfactory estimate I can authorise you to carry out the work .
18 The trial of two blackmailers who preyed on homosexuals , by threatening to publicise their activities unless they handed over money , has ended sensationally , with the two accused admitting they carried out the crimes .
19 The pro-Iranian Islamic Jihad group has admitted it carried out the bomb attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in which eleven people died .
20 Can I ask , Mr Chairman , in your opinion , had we carry out the erm , works or anything to do suppose to do .
21 English applicants were twice as likely to be selected , and this difference would probably have been greater had we carried out the full study and been able to include posts in teaching hospitals .
22 The UFF later said it carried out the killing , claiming their victim was a member of the Provisional IRA who had taken part in coffee jar bomb attacks on security forces .
23 I , I , that , that is the answer 's in the negative , we 're not setting up those posts or funding them today , but they 've enabled us , they 've prompted us to carry out a revue , I think , I was n't present at budget review it .
24 This may arise as a consequence of an unsuccessful or ill-considered approach to a potential purchaser or from the nature ( or financial condition ) of a prospective client and the motive for requesting us to carry out the work .
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