Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] south [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In fact , the SDDR , upon which work has progressed well and speedily — it is all part of the relief road system round the city — has started to discharge traffic at a great rate on to the A6 at Oadby , which is seeking to percolate further south on the A6 or further east towards the A47 .
2 They penetrate south to varying degrees , blue and minke whales often appearing well south of the pack ice edge .
3 The position now agreed with Highways ( shown on the attached map ) is at the point where the pavement widens again south of the double level section of pavement , the inner ( higher ) level of which is not in Regional ownership .
4 He could have moved directly south into the valley of the Dee , but instead he chose to head eastwards towards the vale of Clwyd , to take a cautious look at the borders of Lord Grey 's domain before he turned south to cross the mountains to Valle Crucis .
5 The Philistine culture too , developing further south on the coast of Palestine , may have roots in the Minoan trading empire ; Bury ( 1951 ) mentions that an ancient name for Gaza was Minoa , which implies that it too was once a Minoan trading station .
6 Such organic-rich shales are likely to constitute a much more widespread potential source for hydrocarbons — probably mainly for gas and condensate — than the coals of the deltas which are restricted to the northern part of the region , although the possibility that isolated intermontane coal basins may have developed further south in the later Carboniferous can not be excluded .
7 South Georgia and Heard Island , lying well south of the Antarctic Convergence , are both heavily glaciated .
8 This makes Britain in autumn a very special place as a staging post for birds flying further south to the Mediterranean and Africa and as a winter home for many others .
9 Group 1 was to land at Hollevik on the island 's south shore , to clear a known defence point and villages a mile to a mile and a half from the town of South Vaagsö , and then move in support of Group 2 , which was to land just south of the town and capture it .
10 Developments in Scotland are also being followed keenly south of the Border , where it is expected that a Scottish Lord Chancellor will introduce family legislation for England and Wales which will follow the example set by his countrymen .
11 ‘ It 's a bit of an aphrodisiac apparently , ’ I explained — ‘ which is tremendously useful when you 've just done a two-and-a-half hour show , driven 45 minutes home , eaten a baked potato the size of a human foot , scrubbed off two layers of greasepaint , nose shading , violet eyeshadow and seemingly permanent mascara , brushed one and a half cans of lacquer off the split ends , flossed the gums , massaged the bridgework , popped the ear plugs over the acupuncture needle , put the airplane mask over the anti-ageing eye cream and — pièce de lack of résistance — applied the ‘ Tonic Bust ’ to prevent anything descending further south during the night .
12 Whether these conditions should be expected to alter dramatically south of the Front depends on the tectonic style of Variscan deformation in that area .
13 The manor house stood immediately south of the church .
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