Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] far [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For months , British diplomats have been wondering what to do with this thoroughbred stallion , an official present to the Prime Minister which has so far caused him nothing but embarrassment .
2 But Mr Ashdown , who is demanding a full-scale coalition , has so far rejected anything that Labour has offered , threatening to vote against a Queen 's Speech that does not include a commitment to electoral reform ; and Mr Kinnock has said that he has made no overtures — not even played the ‘ opening chords ’ — which would lead to a post-election pact .
3 It is the only card he has left in a game which has so far seen her win every hand .
4 What has so far prevented them from becoming assimilated to each other is not only the fact that in the field of psychotherapy , differing theories do not readily and happily intermix , but that each theory tends to take sides ( without this necessarily being apparent ) in the eternal dialogue between youth and age .
5 Digging will start in the summer of 1993 , with the excavation of selected buildings , as well as the examination of those areas in which the survey has so far revealed nothing , but which may produce underlying Minoan levels which can be investigated in the future .
6 In part it is nervousness , but mostly is youthful exuberance , an exuberance that has so far made his career and yet paradoxically also threatens it .
7 The quantum theory created then has proved adequate for all that has so far followed it .
8 But a bungled , unlawful business deal has so far cost them £5.3m and led to the sacking of all the BRDC 's 12 directors .
9 This is a distinctly unromantic sounding but buoyant group which has so far twirled its way round to records .
10 Continued pressure to improve the terms of the civil payment on account scheme has so far yielded nothing at all .
11 His latest project ‘ The Duchess of Sutherland ’ , which is a copy of the full size engines and has so far taken him three years to build is just one of the engines which can be seen .
12 But if he winds up running his film company the way he has so far run his restaurant , he may find himself forced to serve up more and more celluloid ham just to keep things afloat .
13 He has so far shown himself incapable of a knockout punch witness his feeble reply in the Commons yesterday to the onslaughts from his former Chancellor and from Labour leader John Smith .
14 Hitachi was one of six Japanese companies invited to invest in Kaleida ( CI No 1,931 ) , and of the other five , only Toshiba Corp has so far stuck its head above the parapet with an agreement with Apple to license Kaleida technology and use it in jointly developed products ; others invited to join were Matsushita Electric Industrial Co , Sharp Corp , Sony Corp and NEC Corp .
15 Bath 's Ben Clarke has so far established himself as the pick of the British Lions touring squad in New Zealand
16 This could be the year Nigel Mansell finally overcomes his great rival Ayrton Senna and clinches the world motor racing championship which has so far eluded him .
17 That 's what Mansell does — not merely racing , but striving for the supreme prize which has so far eluded him .
18 For the British driver , it would be just one more step towards the world title which has so far eluded him .
19 Is this what we have been waiting for all these years , the answer that has so far eluded us ?
20 They can only conclude that ‘ Either badgers waste energy with the continued digging or very large burrows confer an advantage that has so far eluded us . ’
21 Oh please , thought Grainne , please let it be that , for I have come so far to find it .
22 All the critics mentioned so far kept their criticism within certain limits .
23 The cross-section data used so far gives us little indication about how many workers continue in employment long enough to recoup the wages that were deferred earlier in their career .
24 We were not gracious yesterday — especially as this child came so far to find us .
25 ( Remember Russell 's chicken ( Russell , 1959 , p. 35 ) , whose true beliefs about the regularity with which it had been fed so far led it into a false belief about the security of its future . )
26 Looking back at the works of Marx and Engels so far examined we can see that these leave a fairly clear picture concerning some topics , and major uncertainties concerning others .
27 Perhaps they reasoned that even if he managed to slip clear of the ropes he would have so far to fall it would n't matter .
28 Apart from the orthodox account , all the theories examined so far have something in common .
29 Though you journey so far to see their ancient endeavours .
30 She 'd come this far to say her piece and say it she would , come hell or high water .
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