Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] so far [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Turtle Island who won at Royal Ascot , Leopardstown and York has done most so far but at this point in time I could n't make up my mind between Turtle Island and my other two big race winners , State Performer and Stonehatch .
2 The two biggest Third World countries , China and India , were , by contrast with Brazil , doing well so far as growth rates are concerned .
3 The observer 's readiness to modify is admirably honest ( Mr Palomar is a nice man ) and ultimately exhausting : the process of adjustment can go only so far before atrophy threatens .
4 Through the winter months , the larger firms gave further assurances that they were willing " to take immediate steps for the gradual reduction of female comps " ; some it seems went even so far as to dismiss women .
5 Again Balfour 's account is in substantial agreement , although he adds the gloss that when , at one stage in his summing up he referred to his assumption that Asquith would not serve under either Law or Lloyd George , Asquith intervened to say that he had not gone quite so far as that ; he must consult his friends before giving a final answer .
6 Then if you want blue to go the other side of the hoop and black to go here say , to the black wo n't go quite so far and the blue will .
7 If he did not go quite so far as Eric Linklater in believing that what Mary was doing down at Kirk o' Field during the last days of Darnley 's life in February 1567 was indulging a ‘ womanly zeal for nursing ’ , he certainly had no doubt of her innocence .
8 The Flower of Chivalry did not go quite so far as that .
9 Perhaps few of the inhabitants went quite so far as the parents of Fly-Fornication Richardson of Waldron or Small-hope Biggs of Rye in their statements of religious principle , but a dominant number of the eastern rural and urban elite found their religious and political sympathies increasingly divorced from the fumbling attempts of the Stuarts to impose their image of the monarchy .
10 There are increasing demands that the central institutions of the EEC should be reduced to a minimal role , that Member States should be allowed to integrate only so far as they wish , and that it should be possible for a country to remain within a European free-trade zone , but outside a politically united federation — as Norway , Iceland and the other Efta states have done since the establishment of the EEA .
11 The LTE objected to the direction on the ground that it failed to have regard to the LTE 's financial duty under section 7(3) to break even so far as is practicable .
12 This decision met with considerable resistance from our East German colleagues , and in the end , the only way to overcome this was to steer clear so far as was possible of the art historical minefield that exists in Germany .
13 Our knowledge is bounded by our ideas , and extends only so far as they are ideas of real essences .
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