Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] on the basis " in BNC.

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1 Where prices were once held constant for five year periods , from 1976 onwards they have been revised annually on the basis of a five-year moving average of world market prices .
2 After long discussions with Prof Spitz and his team , who had performed two similar operations before , the Holtons agreed only on the basis that each child would have an equal chance and organs would be shared equally .
3 I speak with e some experience in the situation where two sites that will be within half a mile of that which was erm supported by the inspector , were dismissed basically on the basis that if I read the quotes for you .
4 For each , engineering geology maps of the solid and superficial deposits are prepared on which materials are grouped together on the basis of their engineering characteristics .
5 It is not only impossible to theorize fruitfully on the basis of abstract relations which are nothing but abstract relations , but it is only possible to theorize fruitfully on the basis of abstract relations that refer directly to observable phenomena in material reality .
6 It is not only impossible to theorize fruitfully on the basis of abstract relations which are nothing but abstract relations , but it is only possible to theorize fruitfully on the basis of abstract relations that refer directly to observable phenomena in material reality .
7 At the end of this necessarily lengthy examination of the decided cases I have found nothing which causes me to depart from the view I expressed before embarking on that examination as to the appropriate procedure to be followed under section 7(3) and section 8(2) considered simply on the basis of the statutory language .
8 Belkheir had accused the FIS of " multiple violations " of the law on political parties of July 1989 , which among other things forbade any party created exclusively on the basis of religion [ see p. 36834 ] .
9 It might even mean that the personnel records and salaries systems could be cost justified largely on the basis of savings in the recruitment area .
10 He gave the impression that the agents were to a large extent out of DK 's strict control and that the agents were policed largely on the basis of responding to complaints and taking remedial action where appropriate or possible .
11 This is particularly the case where builders do not maintain a stores department or utilise a yard , and in fact many builders function only on the basis of direct delivery from the builders ' merchant to the site .
12 But Malebranche rejected various parts of Descartes 's proof , concluding that theoretically the material world was no more than a possibility , and could be accepted only on the basis of faith .
13 Professions are sometimes referred to as institutions , but the interesting point is that compared to many institutions they function less on the basis of formal , explicit regulations and codes than on informal , tacit norms and expectations .
14 Thieblot and Haggard emphasise that these observations are made only on the basis of ‘ preliminary analysis ’ and do not offer any empirical validation .
15 You do n't do so on the basis of someone else 's plans , ’ Mr Baker told the US Senate finance committee .
16 ( 1986 ) predict that children will be able to distinguish between causes and effects on the basis of information about generative transmission before they can do so on the basis of information about temporal priority .
17 A private individual who buys a minority shareholding in a non-dividend paying private company as a pure portfolio investment must do so on the basis of some prospect which , if realised , will provide him with the return he seeks .
18 ‘ Are you trying to tell me , ’ Richmann began dangerously , ‘ that these changes in plan have been made just on the basis of your superstitious intuition that the newest arrivals on the island are somehow dangerous ? ’
19 The system of advancement through the grades was ( and is ) tightly controlled , and was ( and is ) done strictly on the basis of seniority , and a driver is penalised if he breaks the chain : if his name is top of the list for promotion to a certain level , he is allowed to refuse such promotion twice ( Murdoch 1986 : 44 ; 30 ) .
20 Decisions can be made periodically on the basis of information gathered so far .
21 Her startling assertion is made mainly on the basis of a three-year research project carried out by her for the Centre For Social and Moral Education .
22 Like so many others , this woman was acting purely on the basis of her naïve belief in Hitler 's good intentions and ignorance of what was going on .
23 The high correlation of bursts of rapid eye movements with intense dreaming tended to encourage early investigators in their impression that the eye movements were following the actions of 70–80 per cent of vivid dreams.19 However , when blind matches of EOG records with dream narratives have been made simply on the basis of written evidence and the polygraphic record , matching of reports to records has been no better than chance .
24 If the claims were made simply on the basis of introspection without systematic observation in the community , they would be of precisely the same order ( except that they would be unaccountable and probably much less reliable ) .
25 Patients were selected consecutively on the basis of primary site of tumour .
26 Campbell does not mention women being employed in glove making but they certainly were in the main provincial centres of Oxfordshire , Somerset and Worcestershire , especially from the late eighteenth century when this manufacture along with lace making and straw plaiting expanded rapidly on the basis of cheap female hand labour .
27 All of them were drawn together on the basis of a conviction similar to our own that God was calling them to something new .
28 If they are now classified afresh on the basis of biochemical characteristics , a very similar result is obtained .
29 Otherwise elegant and beautiful theories have been rejected because they do n't agree with observation , but I do n't know of any major theory that has been advanced just on the basis of experiment .
30 The acquirer should insist that a draft disclosure letter is produced early on the basis of the draft warranties , and that the warranties will not be finalised until the disclosure letter is finalised .
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