Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] on [art] grounds " in BNC.

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1 In the end , de Gaulle could only secure peace at the expense of a series of humiliating concessions to the FLN — concessions which could be justified only on the grounds that they averted the yet higher costs of not making them .
2 This means that a management policy that is injurious to employee interests can be attacked only on the grounds that the directors lacked good faith , meaning that the directors did not honestly believe that the policy constitutes an appropriate balancing of interests , or that they have altogether disregarded the impact of their decision on the employees .
3 To some extent a loss of conditioned responding is to be expected purely on the grounds that conditioning tends to be context-specific .
4 A difficulty in interpreting laterality reaction time data according to a fixed anatomical model is that shorter response latencies for uncrossed as compared with crossed reactions would be expected simply on the grounds of stimulus-response ( S-R ) compatibility .
5 they have done so on the grounds that the company is entitled to the benefit of those exemptions as a small ( or medium ) company .
6 Organisations should consider incorporating in their equal opportunity statements their commitment not to discriminate arbitrarily on the grounds of age .
7 For instance , the Institute of Personnel Management proposes that organisations should consider including a commitment not to discriminate arbitrarily on the grounds of age in their equal opportunities policies .
8 The decision not to simply take over the entire MoMA show was made partly on the grounds that the Pompidou has already mounted a major Matisse retrospective ( in 1971 ) , and partly through a desire to study in depth a period of the artist 's life now viewed as fundamental for the development of twentieth-century painting .
9 At the outset , five hypotheses were selected prospectively on the grounds that they were refutable within the context of the study design , that they were of relevance to current duodenal ulcer research , or that they were of potential importance for both ulcer healing and ulcer recurrence .
10 The Crown did not object to the Divisional Court looking at the materials ( see p. 237G–H ) but the court itself refused to do so on the grounds that it would constitute a breach of article 9 .
11 At one extreme was the suggestion that at least 40 weeks of the training period should be spent acquiring the necessary accounting skills ; at the other , that there should be no requirement to record accounting separately on the grounds that it was adequately covered within the auditing function .
12 Demands for action to clean up sulphur dioxide emissions from power stations , widely believed to be responsible for the ‘ acid rain ’ that was killing forests , lakes and rivers — not just in Scotland , but as far afield as Germany and Scandinavia — were brushed aside on the grounds of inconclusive evidence ; a similar attitude was taken towards the radioactive discharges from the nuclear reprocessing plant at Sellafield .
13 In other words , when the New Ireland Forum was being assured by Bishop Daly of the intention of the Roman catholic church in Ireland to support full civil and religious rights for Northern Ireland protestants , the bishops were effectively reserving to themselves , as a body of luminaries with a direct access to the inner structures of social reality , the right to declare what actually constituted a civil and religious liberty or right and they were doing so on the grounds of what they considered good for society .
14 A majority believed that UNTCOK should supervise elections in the south but Australia , Canada and India were against doing so on the grounds that it would perpetuate and not eliminate the division in Korea .
15 If the Letter of Request complies with the Convention , its execution may be refused only on the grounds set out in Article 12 , and only to the extent that it is objectionable on those grounds .
16 Some semblance of co-operation was finally attained only on the grounds that it was everyone 's responsibility to protect the band from the internal dissension and strife which the affair was creating .
17 When the appellant received notice of the order , he applied for the order to be set aside on the grounds that he had no notice of the proceedings and had nothing to do with it .
18 The defendants successfully applied to the English court for this service to be set aside on the grounds that personal service by the agent of a foreign litigant without the approval of the Swiss authorities was a criminal offence under the Swiss Penal Code and could not be regarded as valid service , as no English court could authorise service which was contrary to the internal law of the country in which service was to be effected .
19 Secondly , although the doctrine of frustration applies to agreements for lease , it would be only in quite exceptional circumstances where an agreement would be set aside on the grounds of frustration and it is suggested that the parties should provide in the agreement for either party to rescind the agreement in the event of substantial damage to the premises or the site prior to completion .
20 This is an important shift away from the concept that a firm is competent to carry out investment business and may be authorised solely on the grounds that its partners have at some time qualified as chartered accountants .
21 The following year , on the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Income Tax ( 1920 ) , the child allowance was increased to £30 and the income limit removed altogether on the grounds that ‘ in all ranges of income some regard should be had to the taxpayers marital and family responsibilities ’ … and that ‘ rates of tax should be so adjusted that the taxation to be borne by each class should be redistributed among the individual taxpayers in that class with due recognition of family obligations ’ ( Section VIII ) .
22 Though the incidence of Becker is only one tenth that of Duchenne muscular dystrophy , the three families who refused a biopsy did so on the grounds that while they accepted their son had a muscular dystrophy they preferred to live in the hope that it might be Becker and so chose not to complete the diagnostic process .
23 Catholic nationalists who support or condone the killing of protestant loyalists do so on the grounds that members of the Northern police force and part-time army are either agents of British imperialism or maintaining alien protestant — loyalist power in a part of Ireland .
24 It has been criticised there on the grounds that any decision on lending which is based on how many characteristics an applicant shares with good or bad payers can not directly reflect the reality of whether or not that individual will be a good payer .
25 Prices and incomes policies have been justified historically on the grounds that , if successful , they serve directly to scale down the rates of increase of money wages and absolute prices while minimizing the rise in unemployment which a policy of demand restriction would entail .
26 The introduction of grant-maintained schools was perhaps the most controversial proposal in the Education Reforms Act 1988 , and one which was justified primarily on the grounds that it would extend parental choice in education .
27 It may be rejected also on the grounds that it is patronizing .
28 The previous May , 13 of his co-defendants were acquitted and released unconditionally on the grounds that there was insufficient evidence for prosecution .
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