Example sentences of "[verb] [art] little [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At once , she picked up the gold key from the table , unlocked the little door into the garden , and then began to eat a piece of mushroom .
2 This inhibits the normal feeding response and the great predator opens its mouth , allowing the little fish in ( Figure 6 ) .
3 ‘ After we had prayed together in tears and heartbreak a few moments … 1 then dipped my finger in water and , as the priest to my own babe at such a moment , touching the little forehead in the sign of our redemption , said : ' ‘ I baptise thee Mary Salome , in the name of the Lord Jesus , of the Father and of the Holy Ghost . ' ’
4 The aircraft swooped in to land , almost touching the little buildings of Kowloon .
5 Instead , sensing a criticism — which this was not , Aunt Lilian was simply asking for information — she gave one of her loud laughs and said , well , she personally thought it was a good thing for a young married woman to cultivate the little niceties of life .
6 Faith had flown the little aircraft across the U.S. before , which means the Tri-Pacer has flown ( with some help over the Atlantic and Pacific ) around the world .
7 While Kāli fumbled , striking the flint against the steel , trying to produce a spark that was strong enough to light the little piece of cotton , they told me how pleased they were to see me working just like them .
8 He had watched them silently as they lowered the little bush into the prepared hole , with considerable argument as to how the roots should be spread .
9 I really wanted to thank the little guy for saving my life , but I have a hard-bitten image to keep up .
10 But in 1986 Virani sold the little beer-maker for £25 million — only to buy it back again in 1988 for £8 million less .
11 The midwife laid the little scrap in Tamar 's arms and said , ‘ 'E 's a lovely lad , Lady Lassiter. 'E 's not big , but 'e 's all the world ti grow in . ’
12 Why do authorities make the little things in life so difficult ?
13 Huy produced the little amulet of Ishtar from the linen pouch at his belt .
14 Maura watched as her mother checked the little girl from head to toe , shaking her head and tutting as she did it .
15 In these stories the young characters learn that their greater physical power does not give them the right to treat the little people as playthings or inferiors .
16 ‘ Of course I 'm thinking of the bottle stall for the Christmas bazaar , ’ said Sister Dew virtuously , tucking the little bottles into her bag .
17 I think from the work load point of view from Jenny the thing she needs to do is to write the little bit on T G I that references the manual to make sure that the manual is okay .
18 Goldberg , pushing aside pad and pen , drew the little typewriter towards him and began to type again .
19 As she entered the little parlour behind her , Theda was brought up short by the sight of a stranger standing before the fireplace .
20 In a remote valley created by a fold in the Berwyn mountains of Mid Wales stands the little church of Pennant Melangell .
21 You can stamp on toes , feet or shins ; knee him in the thigh or groin ; grab and squeeze testicles or pinch the soft inside of thighs along the trouser seam ; elbow him or her in the ribs or stomach if the person is behind you , or knee them in the belly if in front ; grab the little finger of one of the hands that is holding you round the waist or arms , and bend it backwards , forcing him or her to let go ; bite the side of the neck or slap a cheek or ear ; bash the nose with the front or back of your head ; force the head back by pressing your fingers up nostrils or squeezing the flats of your thumbs into eyes ; or even spit into eyes to make them blink .
22 Attach the little burner to the base of the large balloon and insert the passengers into the large basket , fixing in with royal icing .
23 Twice round the block after gettin' the little ones to school . ’
24 Conservationists have an enormous job to keep the populations high enough for continued existence , while preventing them from growing too large and wrecking the little bit of space that is left to them .
25 Supporting her with his right arm , his left hand strayed from her breasts to her thigh , and from there slowly completed the journey to the mouth of the Cave of Sweet Mysteries , lingering long enough to find the little temple of Min and arouse him as she began to gasp for breath , her tongue making passionate sallies into his ear .
26 He was not consciously watching , but turning over in his mind what he had just heard , so that he was surprised to find the little brunette from the office standing at his elbow .
27 Ianthe was disconcerted to find the little dressmaker at her side , peering up into her face .
28 She worked fastidiously , squaring the little stacks of bills so that they alternated : first lengthwise , then breadthwise .
29 Men gave up the very linings of their greatcoats to provide the little creatures with fur .
30 Standing there , surveying the hall , so pleasant now ( though she knew that really she ought to get carpet foam and do over the carpet which after all had been folded up in the dust of the skip ) , she saw that Philip had mended the little cupboard under the stairs that the policeman had kicked in .
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