Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [det] present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mick , I honestly do n't know at this present time .
2 For a few seconds , I was living with this present situation .
3 We should beware of supposing that , if Pound from the shades is looking at this present occasion , he is unreservedly gratified by what he sees .
4 And yet , I 'm restless , for we are definitely not going into any present campaign , and the future seems a little empty .
5 The meeting was then closed with all present saluting with a ‘ Heil Hitler ’ , much to the agent 's embarrassment .
6 I do not forget the other unions which were going at that present time helped us out quite a bit .
7 ‘ If in some sort the brothers all stand accused by this present word , ’ said Earl Robert helpfully , ‘ it is they , the humbler children of the household , who have the best right to ask for a name .
8 Dwell for a few moments on these words of Paul , and when you have a moment of quiet use the prayer that follows , either in your own words or as it stands , as a way of bringing to God your thoughts and feelings both on what you have discovered through these pages , and any particular concerns you may have at this present moment .
9 This is against all the evidence , but it is a compelling image , and one that clearly derives from this present age in our history , which now has the Shakespeare it deserves : an old , sex-obsessed vagrant in the Forest of Dean , refusing to pay his Poll Tax .
10 In fact we 've had an underwhelming response , I think at this present minute , and so could I put out the er , request again to members er , to consider coming to this seminar .
11 The Full Federal Court allowed the appeal on the ground that there had been no breach of natural justice as the respondents had been given a hearing and , in the opinion of one Judge , had not been deprived of any present benefit or advantage .
12 The philosophical underpinnings of Peacock 's thinking are discussed elsewhere ; suffice it to say in this present context that such a method of financing broadcasting would completely change the face of British broadcasting by redefining the nature and duties of the broadcasting organizations .
13 Was he watching at this present moment from some hiding place high in the rocks ?
14 The years covered by this present chapter were broadly sad ones , so it is , for this author , a pleasure to be able to end on something of a light-hearted note .
15 Might deal with this present moment , but I need something for tomorrow , and the next day , and week next week , and next year .
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