Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] [vb mod] take " in BNC.

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1 Here it is evident that an interest in language usage motivated by functionalist approaches to linguistics would take us well beyond the confines of pragmatics ( as sketched in the definitions above ) into the domain of sociolinguistics and beyond .
2 She saw the blow coming , but hampered by Poll could take no avoiding action other than to turn her head slightly on receiving it .
3 Learning by imitation can take place in a few minutes , whereas the reproduction of a whole new adult animal can take many years .
4 It may be a further six months to one year before that is true of the Council 's position and , even then , the Secretary of State 's subsequent consideration of any final Review submitted for approval could take even longer .
5 But perhaps those who most objected to Hitlers painting being put on sale can take some consolation from the fact that it will not be taking pride of place in Mr Sullivans living room :
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