Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] wide [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This level of provision represents a very substantial commitment of resources to the enterprise bodies and it should be sufficient to enable them to carry through the wide range of tasks expected of them and to build on their excellent first year of operation .
2 catering for a wide range of attainment
3 These issues relate to : available time for training ; timing of the introduction of training materials ; catering for a wide range of experience ; and participants ' perception of the task .
4 In seeking to make these aims operational , the plan set out the general characteristics of the proposed polytechnic : it was to be a ‘ broadly-based institution catering for a wide range of higher education for the over-18 age groups ’ , giving priority to sandwich courses , but providing courses other than degree courses for those able to benefit from ‘ advanced courses of a specialist nature ’ .
5 For many years enjoyable , invigorating classes catering for a wide range of ages and abilities have been organised in cooperation with local authority Education , Health or Social Services departments , many voluntary organisations and independent bodies ; venues include day centres , adult and community education institutes/schools , residential homes and hospitals .
6 And he recommended that most prisons should be ‘ community prisons ’ catering for a wide variety of prisoners from their locality , a prescription which does not seem readily compatible with the notion that this sort of mixture is conducive to disorder .
7 Continuing through the scattered little climatic resort the road leads to the Heiligenschwendi Klinik , a large hospital originally treating respiratory diseases but in more recent times catering for a wide variety of patients .
8 They could not afford to buy a horse , and although the richer peasants were more heavily taxed , this did not compensate for the wide difference in equipment , which was not taxed .
9 For instance , personality variations account for the wide range of reactions towards a salesperson .
10 The problem is no less with open-ended exercises and unstructured enquiry projects in humanities work , where the teachers need to anticipate and prepare for a wide variety of student response and reaction .
11 Chemical Engineering graduates are qualified for employment in the process industries ; they are also especially well placed for the wide range of jobs which require numeracy , a knowledge of scientific and engineering principles and practice , together with an understanding of economics and industry .
12 These developments are the forerunners of the full multimedia CD products which will soon be appearing , designed for a wide range of applications .
13 stage 3 modules which provide for a wider range of opportunities for science specialisation .
14 ( iv ) Pupils should have opportunities to write for a wider range of communicative or informative purposes , including : describing , explaining , giving instructions , reporting , expressing a point of view , persuading , comparing and contrasting ideas , arguing for different points of view .
15 The qualitative approach may be acceptable for small systems , but for more substantial enterprises it would be surprising if the development of more disciplined and rigorous approaches , say through the wider use of mathematics , would not be more successful and lead to new types of opportunity .
16 Chain migration on this pattern is reported for a wide variety of people now living in Britain , including those who originated in Italy , Hong Kong , the Punjab and Pakistan ( Palmer , 1977 ; Watson , 1977 ; Ballard , 1979 ; Anwar , 1985 ) .
17 The homogeneity of the three groups has been reported for a wide variety of preoperative variables including age , sex , type of fluid , allergy , seasonal variation , radiographic determination of the size of the adenoids and postnasal space , and duration of preoperative loss of hearing .
18 If only the most dependent and disturbed patients are admitted to hospital care , then local authority care will need to provide for a wide range of elderly people including many with dementia , and some with milder behaviour problems .
19 In the UK , attempts to gain greater value for money have been related more to the present depressed economic climate than any need to provide for the wider accountability of government expenditure .
20 Letting someone else decide — most often manifest in people applying for a wide range of jobs perhaps with little in , because they are unable to decide which is most appropriate for them and hoping that somehow the right choice will be made by the employers themselves .
21 Luke and Sonny headed towards the wide square of open ground which lay at the end of the lane .
22 Unskilled manual workers were also considerably less likely than average to know of a wide selection of credit sources ; sources which came higher up their list than average were moneylenders , mail order , tallymen , loans from finance companies , electricity or gas board schemes , and HP .
23 We urgently need a promotional video — one of the most effective tools to communicate with a wide audience — which we can show to groups and visitors within RBG ; send out on loan to groups , schools and other organisations , and use as a vehicle to promote ourselves to potential sponsors and supporters .
24 While both painters , and Picasso in particular , led active social lives and mixed with a wide circle of literary and artistic figures , their friendship seems to have rendered them self-sufficient .
25 The negotiations on British entry became fused with a wider debate in 1960–3 about the future of the Community .
26 Moving away from the driveway they threaded their way through the trees , until they reached the fringe of the woods where they bordered onto the wide expanse of neatly mown lawns , dotted here and there with beds of flowers and shrubbery .
27 As a result of this research , Armitage Shanks came up with Chablis — a soft and subtle shade which will add warmth to its surroundings , with the added advantage of co-ordinating with a wide range of other colours from pastels to bold primaries .
28 We also know how to identify what users need ; develop often complex systems to index , abstract , catalog , and organize all types of information ; disseminate information by packing it in ways appropriate for users , providing the critical role of sifting through vast quantities to identify what is pertinent and what is not ; and to work with a wide range of other professionals for the most effective use of information .
29 All the secondees expected and experienced professional development , which might include intellectual challenge , a gain in experience and an opportunity to work with a wide range of people , establishing nation- or region-wide contacts .
30 Burn designed in a wide range of styles , from the chaste Grecian at Camperdown House , Dundee in 1821 , to the Scottish Baronial style he used at Fonthill in 1856 .
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