Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [prep] [art] third " in BNC.

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1 However the first leg performance means InterSpray is third overall and still in with a fighting chance with everything to play for in the third and final legs .
2 During an earlier effort the whales — which have been trapped within Scapa Flow for almost five weeks — had been shepherded to within a third of a mile of the entrance , but dived again and stayed at Scapa Flow until the later shepherding effort succeeded .
3 What does all this refer to in the third sentence ?
4 For example , the International Commission of Jurists concluded in its report on the status of the Aaland Islands that the Convention of 1856 which had demilitarised the islands remained effective and could be relied upon by a third party , Sweden .
5 Craig 's is an untypically simple case inasmuch as his surplus arose as early as the second count and was disposed of in the third .
6 I have even managed to persist so long that the final work on an article was dealt with by the third editor , but that owed something to my delays as well .
7 He considered the role of the Council members as delegates to be suggestive of agency , but concluded that agency was defeated by the literal wording of the contracts which were entered into by the third parties in the following terms :
8 Those born in countries referred to as the Third World are much less likely to reach what would be considered to be old age .
9 In these languages , the fourth person refers to ‘ a person or thing distinct from one already referred to by a third person form ’ .
10 ‘ In applying the national law and in particular the provisions of a national law specifically introduced in order to implement Directive 76/207 , national courts are required to interpret their national law in the light of the wording and the purpose of the directive in order to achieve the result referred to in the third paragraph of Article 189 .
11 What is the ‘ point ’ referred to in the third sentence ?
12 And erm we erm when you got to about the third class I think you you was allowed to participate int he woodwork and metal er class , you used to go across for half a day a week .
13 In February the editor made four new criticisms on technical matters , which we dealt with in a third revision .
14 Blood samples for assay of the aminoglycoside concentration should be taken at around the third or fourth dose , when the steady state has been reached .
15 However , the term general can be conceived of in a third way , in terms of the all-round development of the individual .
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