Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] first quarter " in BNC.

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1 This will ship during the first quarter of this year .
2 Availability is pegged for the first quarter .
3 Radius Inc warns that it expects to report a second quarter operating loss larger than its first quarter operating loss , and that second quarter revenues to March 31 will be below the $36.9m reported for the first quarter , when it lost $0.05 per share or $713,000 ; it has seen slowing demand for its Macintosh enhancement products in Europe and to a lesser extent in the US .
4 Beta testing starts during the first quarter of 1993 , with commercial availability expected by year-end .
5 America 's faltering recovery continued with a 6.7% rise in housing starts in April over the previous month , lower than had been expected after a first quarter in which housing starts had been curbed by bad weather .
6 With trading in the first quarter similar to that of the second half of last year , the company is continuing to exercise tight control of the business .
7 Trading in the first quarter of our new financial year has been up to our expectations and is well ahead of the same period last year , ’ he said .
8 This curvature is contained in the first quarter of the wing so that the centre of lift is also well forward while the stabilising reflex on the underside provides a down force at the trailing edge .
9 They begin to appear in the first quarter of the eighteenth century , a remnant of the funerary effigy , though it is not recorded that nobles , apart from those of royal blood , ever had them ( Cromwell and General Monck excepted ) .
10 In April Prime Minister Pavlov announced that compared with the first quarter of 1990 there had been in the first quarter of 1991 a 10 per cent fall in national income , a 5 per cent fall in industrial output and a 13 per cent fall in agricultural output .
11 This figure was exceeded in the first quarter of the year alone when a Rbs31,000 million deficit was recorded .
12 They were themselves a witness to the success of the ecclesiastical promotion of lay education in the faith although , in their case , it stimulated a sectarianism which exploded in the first quarter of the fifteenth century as a threat to both the doctrinal and social establishment of authority .
13 It was said to have two sets of strings only , at 8' pitch , and , on the evidence of its appearance , it was to be dated to the first quarter of the 18th century .
14 Production and shipment has already begun , and the contracts extend through the first quarter of 1994 .
15 Recession may be burying the major continental economies , with the likelihood that things will get much worse before they start to get better , but the European personal computer market continued to prosper in the first quarter , the Wall Street Journal reports .
16 The 25-person , privately-owned White Cross is busy setting up overseas operations : a Dallas , Texas-based office is due to open by the end of the year and a Far East office will follow in the first quarter of 1993 .
17 The weakening of the yen intensified in the first quarter of 1990 , and over the year ending March 1990 , had depreciated by 20 per cent in real terms .
18 Dolphin 's Motorola Inc 88110-based Triton SCI Server , which was scheduled to ship in the first quarter of this year , will be kept under wraps for at least another year , the company says .
19 ‘ On the other hand , ’ Flittern said , folding himself onto the bench beside her , ‘ we could perhaps tempt you with a bottled rogue amorous thought , distilled at the first quarter of the moon , and salted with a spark of starlight .
20 The volume of business with overseas customers improved in the fourth quarter of 1991 and the recovery is expected to continue into the first quarter of this year .
21 Unix System Labs expects to have beta versions of Tuxedo ready for IBM 's ES/9000 AIX by the end of the year , with general availability scheduled for the first quarter ( UX No 403 ) .
22 Mozaic is scheduled for the first quarter 1993 for manufacturing companies in the US and Canada and will be released to third-party systems integrators in Europe in the second quarter .
23 With Nouveau , Uniplex 's revamped office automation software , set for a first quarter release next year , Uniplex is preparing its resellers and customers for more complex computing environments , like client/server , according to John Humphries , professional services division manager .
24 In the second release , set for the first quarter of 1994 , comprehensive internetwork management capabilities will be added , enabling the network management system to discover , display and maintain the physical and logical topology of all major network devices automatically .
25 A spokesman at IBM Corp 's East European headquarters in Vienna claimed that the company exceeded the internal sales targets set for the first quarter of 1993 , and succeeded in increasing its turnover in the region by around 30% when compared with the same period last year .
26 As part of its future direction , ADDS previewed a 3270/X software package for migrating 3270 users to NCR 's Open Cooperative Computing Architecture beginning in the first quarter of 1993 .
27 Revised GDP figures show that growth slowed in the first quarter of 1993 to an annual rate of only 0.9% , down from 4.7% in the previous quarter .
28 European car sales in 1992 sustained previous record levels but declined in the first quarter of calendar year 1993 .
29 The level of orders received in the first quarter worsened compared with a year earlier , but turnover in the first quarter was up to the high levels of the year-ago quarter .
30 Gorbachev on Dec. 4 had announced to the USSR Supreme Soviet emergency plans to import basic foodstuffs to the value of 2,100 million roubles ( US$1,050 million at the new commercial exchange rate ) to ensure that supplies in the first quarter of 1991 were at the levels of the same period in 1990 .
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