Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] at the expense " in BNC.

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1 Doctors ' desires to advance specialisms that they find intellectually exciting , university lecturers pursuing research at the expense of their teaching commitments , engineers wishing to develop technologically advanced products such as Concorde , are just a few examples of the kind of professional aspirations that lead to the misallocation of resources from the clients ' or taxpayers ' point of view .
2 Compton has also concluded that decentralization has continued despite the energy crisis , the south is still gaining population at the expense of the north ; East Anglia , the South West and the East Midlands continue to be the fastest growing regions ; and that Wales is about to join them .
3 If all this sounds like over-egged exhibitionism at the expense of the music , then it probably is , but only because songs like ‘ Crackerjack ’ and the next single ‘ Take It ’ — with its Rude Boy quotes and even a wah-wah guitar solo are belters .
4 ‘ Yes , he had a very good record in England but I feel hi is sacrificing skill at the expense of power — or brute force if one is to be honest about it . ’
5 In this sense , Labour 's respect for the constitution and its willingness to collaborate with an increasingly strong State against ‘ extremism ’ of the Left as well as the Right did not save Britain from fascism : it merely helped capital at the expense of the working class .
6 A modern capitalist state can not openly use coercive powers to help one class accumulate capital at the expense of others .
7 In this way , Franco bought the continued support of the property- owning élite at the expense of his own blue-print for economic recovery .
8 Fears were expressed by puritan divines that to thirst after natural knowledge was to run the risk of elevating reason at the expense of faith .
9 But Olten , in common with so many small Swiss towns , has been careful not to buy prosperity at the expense of damage to its character .
10 In the end , de Gaulle could only secure peace at the expense of a series of humiliating concessions to the FLN — concessions which could be justified only on the grounds that they averted the yet higher costs of not making them .
11 We aim to build a society that does not create wealth at the expense of the environment .
12 We aim to build a society that does not create wealth at the expense of the environment .
13 I feel instantly guilty ; and then even more guilty — guilty for experiencing guilt at the expense of a dead fly .
14 However , they made flesh at the expense of milk : the breed does seem to milk better in harder conditions .
15 These companies are being heavily promoted by Luxembourg advisers , but it still remains to be seen whether they will gain business at the expense of the Netherlands .
16 The difficulty was that any additional building — of squash-courts , swimming pool , or even classrooms — could by now only take place at the expense of valuable playing-field space .
17 By the early 1960s , therefore , it had become accepted that fiscal and monetary policies could only be used to reduce unemployment at the expense of a deterioration in the balance of payments and a higher rate of inflation .
18 ( c ) No partner should carry on any business which competes with the firm or from which he derives benefit at the expense of the firm Section 30 of the Partnership Act provides as follows : If a partner , without the consent of the other partners , carries on any business of the same nature as and competing with that of the firm , he must account for and pay over to the firm all profits made by him in that business .
19 One result of this has been the pervasive influence of linguistic methodology upon such studies of objects as have developed in recent decades ; and while the rise of semiotics in the 1960s was advantages in that it provided for the extension of linguistic research into other domains , any of which could be treated as a semiotic system ( e.g. Eco 1976 : 9–14 ) , this extension took place at the expense of subordinating the object qualities of things to their word-like properties .
20 This not an invariable pattern for monographs , but readers can usually expect that the central figure of a book will receive prominence at the expense of any other artists .
21 It is not unknown for practical jokers — among both dabblers and serious occultists — to have fun at the expense of others .
22 While some museums have courted popularity at the expense of educational considerations , an increasing number of museums are now trying to meet both challenges at once .
23 But he rejects the criticism that Goldsmiths ' , under his direction , has over-emphasised theory at the expense of practice .
24 Thus the new interest in professional development … runs the risk of stressing form at the expense of substance .
25 But one must not hasten justice at the expense of justice . ’
26 In communal elections in North Rhine-Westphalia on Oct. 1 , 1989 , the Republicans gained support at the expense of the two largest parties , especially in the towns ; in municipal elections on Oct. 22 they gained seats on the councils of most major towns in Baden-Württemberg [ for success in Berlin Land elections — see p. 36403 ] .
27 ‘ It worries me that impresarios are using the Russian label to make money at the expense of companies like us , like the Scottish and Northern Ballet .
28 This world-view is one in which the material and the phenomenal dominate consciousness at the expense of the spiritual ( the numinous ) and the supernatural .
29 Buus does in a few cases revert to earlier material or in one instance , as we have seen , achieve cohesion at the expense of monotony by basing a whole piece on a single idea .
30 ‘ I blame people like myself , who in the 1960s curried popularity at the expense of self-discipline . ’
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