Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun pl] officer [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile I 've walked into the Ops Room to find the Ops Officer with his feet on his desk eating Smarties , thinking about an Op order he is due to write .
2 During the strike , the policy was justified by reference first to a section in the Road Traffic Act 1972 which allows a police officer in uniform to stop vehicles and secondly to the common law breach of the peace power .
3 Most will usually be able to provide you with a contact name and address , but if this is no help , then you can contact the personnel officer at the district health authority 's address .
4 Contact the Listings Officer at your local Valuation Office ( contact your local authority ) .
5 ‘ Visual sighting of parasite at grid mark four by five , ’ called the Environments Officer from his new position in the tank designated as the replacement command vehicle .
6 I mean even if you double the size of the Thames Valley force you would n't have a police officer outside every pub .
7 Wilkins also pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer in the execution of his duty , and Parratt to obstructing the police .
8 ‘ Hey thanks , Chief … but I reckon this could be a blatant attempt to influence a police officer in the execution of his duty . ’
9 My question is to , that er , police officer or to the Chief Constable , or to anybody who can answer , how much is it gon na cost that , for that paper to be produced , and would it not be better spent in putting a police officer in Stratton St Margaret , where there has n't been one on the beat for the last six months , to help us reduce the number of er , of crimes committed in Stratton .
10 Damages of £20,000 were awarded against Granada Television in 1983 for unintentionally defaming a police officer in a " World in Action " programme about police corruption .
11 ‘ Sorry , but we 're booked , ’ said the admissions officer at one .
12 One ingenious convict , Alfie Hinds , sued a police officer for stating in the " News of the World " that Hinds had been guilty as charged .
13 The second trial , after months of going to and fro , moved at last to Orlando , an overwhelmingly white and conservative city , where juries , it is said , have never convicted a police officer for alleged misconduct in the line of duty .
14 Archbishop Silvestre Scandian said : ‘ The state police should be taken off the case , because Father Gabriel made a statement to the Justice and Peace Commission mentioning a police officer as one of those who had made death threats against him . ’
15 I know this may sound like a long shot — but someone who 's been listening to 2 Pac 's ‘ 2PacalypseNow ’ super-LP was recently arrested in a stolen car ( with the tape still playing ) for killing a police officer in America .
16 The organization carried out a bank robbery in Castellón on July 12 which was thought to have provided it with the means to launch a new offensive , and was held responsible for wounding two Army officers in Madrid on Dec. 13 and Valencia on Dec. 15 , for killing a police officer in Barcelona on Dec. 18 and for killing two Civil Guards in Gijón , northern Spain , on Dec. 28 .
17 Terry Roach , 41 , convicted of killing a police officer by running him over in a truck , serving life in the Phillips Correctional Institution , Georgia and Michael Hamilton , aged 40 , convicted of the contract killing of his wife , sentenced to death in the gas chamber at San Quentin .
18 Martin Colling , 24 , began with racist remarks to an Asian shopkeeper and ended by attacking a police officer with a coal shovel when he tried to arrest him , Durham Crown Court heard .
19 Mr Smyth said Williams worked as a leisure professional but also served as a Special Constable and was hoping to become a police officer in the future .
20 He knew that he would find no police officer at the house .
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