Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [adj] [noun pl] committee " in BNC.

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1 The secretary of state has given the Joint Consultants Committee ( JCC ) an assurance that the Department of Health will deal firmly with specific cases of abuse that are notified to the department , and , indeed , certain trusts have already been made to reverse inappropriate appointments .
2 Is my is my right honourable friend aware that yesterday the Chairman of the board of inland revenue told the private accounts committee that some five hundred and fifty million pounds of unclaimed tax still remains to be picked up by tax payers who 've been affected by the er the change in the tax regime in the last couple of years where for example women are now assessed independently .
3 An MP told the Welsh Affairs Committee in the Commons that the huge backlog in defending buildings from harm was a national scandal .
4 Similarly no party today would , without some adequate and agreed substitute , abolish the Public Accounts Committee and the right of the Opposition to nominate its chairman .
5 US Secretary of State James Baker , addressing the foreign affairs committee of the House of Representatives on June 13 , said that the stance of the new government could be summed up as " there will be no dialogue unless the Palestinians accept our position in advance " .
6 We sincerely hope the Welsh Affairs Committee and the weight of public opinion will now jerk him into action .
7 The Modular Course uses a two-tier examinations committee structure , the overall strategy being to provide both tiers with relevant information and recommendations in such a way that examiners can concentrate on the important issues relating to student progress .
8 An old friend of President George Bush , Tower was a senator for Texas for 24 years and chaired the Armed Services Committee from 1981 to 1985 , but suffered humiliation in 1989 when the Senate rejected his nomination as Defence Secretary [ see pp. 36515-16 ] .
9 But their efforts were brushed aside at an angry meeting of Durham County Council , which approved the social services committee 's decision to close the homes .
10 For over 120 years , the House of Commons has had a Public Accounts Committee which has established a reputation as an impartial watchdog over government spending .
11 It would erm , provide er , a base where activities could take place in that area , but whilst not , if you like , not directly benefiting the Social Services Committee , or the people that then go to it , would indirectly benefit us in that it would be available for youth and other activities in support of the community that have a knock-on effect er , as far as we 're concerned .
12 The Princess Royal , President , Riding for the Disabled Association , visits the Abingdon Group , Longworth , Abingdon ; attends the Annual General Meeting of the National Association of Victim Support Schemes at Central Hall , Westminster , London SW1 ; and as President , Royal Yachting Association , attends a Racing Rules Committee Meeting at the Royal Thames Yacht Club , 60 Knightsbridge , London SW1 .
13 While utilizing the existing Emergencies Committee , he commissioned an ad hoc group , GEN 496 , on economic aspects of the emergency , under Bridges .
14 I am delighted that it has now decided to co-operate with the Government and solve a problem that I brought the regional affairs committee of the European Parliament over to look at 14 years ago .
15 This fear was shared by Ms Gladys Li , a lawyer who dazzled the parliamentary foreign-affairs committee with her presentation of the case advanced by the Lobby Group , representing liberal-minded professionals in the territory .
16 Afterwards The Princess Royal , President , Royal Yachting Association , attended a Racing Rules Committee Meeting ( Chairman , Mrs Mary Peral ) at the Royal Thames Yacht Club , 60 Knightsbridge , London SW1 .
17 Tower Hamlets found that they could not decentralize Social Services , for example , because of the statutory requirement to have a Social Services Committee , but everything else they 've erm within the overall Council policy , which is decided by all the Councillors , they 've decentralized a great deal of the powers down to these local groups of Councillors , and where the Labour control the areas they control these local Councils , and where the Liberal Democrats control them they control them , and I think it 's working very well .
18 Yes , it 's been to all the committees now , bar the Public Affairs Committee .
19 The meeting supports the Young Barristers Committee 's view that all chambers should resolve not to permit such exploitation , and put in place a mechanism to ensure that it does not take place , with the support and involvement of heads of chambers , senior members and Clerks . ’
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