Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] signs [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Andy Lavender looks for signs of life in the Shaw corpus
2 But she put an involuntary hand to her belly , as if checking for signs of life .
3 A lively tour of continental culture , seeking for signs of unity and predicting a grim future .
4 A lively tour of continental culture , seeking for signs of unity and predicting a grim future .
5 He glanced back as if looking for signs of pursuit .
6 The brandy is racing around my body , looking for signs of weakness .
7 So when I look in someone 's sore throat I am looking for signs of inflammation and enlarged glands .
8 Every sentence had to be thought out in full , every adverb and adjective scrutinized for signs of contamination or hints of hysteria , those tell-tale flaws which would allow sharp minds to deduce that he was not writing about someone else 's misdeeds , but his own .
9 Melissa was prepared for signs of strain and grief , but the change in Antoinette Gebrec 's appearance came as a shock .
10 THE APPROACH of the Eden Park Test initially was viewed with trepidation , and the majority of the five changes to the home team were seen as signs of disarray rather than as providing fresh blood .
11 Inspect and open all kitchen units and try to glimpse the wall surfaces that they cover for signs of damp .
12 And peered into his face , as she had done to him as a child , searching for signs of fever .
13 Cameron and Menzies looked at each other , searching for signs of belief that something could still be made of the occasion .
14 The natural fears displayed by many children were turned into signs of abuse — such as fear of going to jail , fear of ghosts and monsters , fear of ‘ bad people ’ taking the child away , fear of being left with a babysitter .
15 Look for signs of corrosion , leakage or stains on tank or floor .
16 Having completed the pit , look for signs of compaction : vertical roots turning 90 degrees to the horizontal at a particular level , or a layer which just looks hard and compacted , or a wet , grey or blue band between one and six inches deep .
17 No longer was it to look for signs of forest decline , it was to investigate a link between pollution and forest decline .
18 We went to the hills to look for signs of spring .
19 He was obliged to return to earth , however , by signs of excitement at the ramparts , which doubtless heralded another attack … and by the Padre who had asked him a question and was waiting with signs of impatience for his reply .
20 Of course , from a strictly scientific viewpoint these individual biographical studies can be criticised on the grounds that they are biased towards rather special cases ; added to which , as Becker points out , such accounts were usually written by clinicians whose professional interest in the abnormal inevitably caused them to focus on signs of pathology .
21 Collegiality in management matters if its absence leads to signs of misunderstanding and discontent on the part of other staff , governors or parents .
22 He was looking at a completely empty street , so lacking in signs of life that it might be a convenient escape route .
23 He tried to slow her down with gestures which she interpreted as signs of denial , and so she poured it on .
24 These ( it was thought ) watched for signs of revolt among satraps .
25 We watched for signs of bird activity , because terns and shearwaters congregate whenever small fish shoal near the surface of the sea , and the shoaling is often caused by predatory fish chasing the smaller fish upwards .
26 The announcement of the coup was greeted with signs of jubilation among the 800,000 residents of Ciskei , many of whom destroyed their Ciskeian nationality cards in protest at the continuation of the homeland system .
27 A cut in the skin does potentially allow the entry of pathogens and for this reason even minor cuts and grazes should be attended to properly and observed for signs of infection .
28 Charles could not even see the A.S.M. who was reading his lines , though he knew the youth would be keeping him in view to watch for signs of difficulty .
29 He looked for signs of illness .
30 Wycliffe looked for signs of strangulation but found none .
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