Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] terms with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They have had to come to terms with computer print-outs , data sheets , the use of electronic equipment , and biological sampling techniques .
2 It could be a rewarding form of teaching to help an uninformed but well-motivated student to come to terms with poetry , but it would involve time and leisure .
3 It was originally designed by space scientists in America to help astronauts to come to terms with weightlessness .
4 Derek Jeffries was bought for Crystal Palace for £100,000 in September 1973 by Manager Malcolm Allison , who h , ad also been his boss at Manchester City , to help boost Palace 's struggling midfield as we sought desperately to come to terms with life after relegation to Division Two .
5 Throughout life , a capacity to play , to symbolize , and to have access to the world of fantasy can assist people to come to terms with life .
6 The troubled conscience , the tortured mind , compelling one to come to terms with life , made one impatient of the mere accumulation of facts .
7 Weaver and his colleagues ( 1985 ) found that residents most able to come to terms with admission were those who had exercised some degree of control or choice in entering residential care .
8 In the sonnets involving the Dark Lady , however , with their tortuous triangular structure , the reader does stand apart , watching the poet 's attempt to come to terms with deception and exclusion :
9 These psychological pathologies are attributed to failure to come to terms with impairment ( Lindowski and Dunn , 1974 ; Shindi , 1983 ) .
10 Now , slowly I began to come to terms with guilt .
11 He wrote to Stead in April 1928 that he felt that for reasons of compensation he required the most ascetic and violent form of discipline , and discussed having to come to terms with celibacy as a Christian .
12 Refusing to come to terms with reality harms us and , incidentally , deceives no one else for long .
13 ‘ Most people , in their hearts , know that Britain has to come to terms with reality .
14 It is never easy to come to terms with death — it brings with it a surfeit of emotions ; disbelief , anger , guilt , resentment and remorse .
15 ‘ How 's the lad ever going to come to terms with death the way you carry on ? ’
16 Here , Joanna , her mother and father John tell Penny Wark of their struggle to come to terms with tragedy .
17 Feelings and emotions are examined in depth , and it is then that pupils can be seen struggling to come to terms with right and wrong .
18 Rewording is a worthwhile exercise because it forces you to come to terms with language .
19 For most students they are centred in the need to come to terms with failure .
20 By and large the world of commerce has come to terms with word processing , be it a simple electronic typewriter , an Amstrad PCW or a full-blown secretarial system running on dedicated PCs .
21 I do hope that you 've come to terms with pregnancy now . ’
22 The role of the counsellor is to help the individual in this process , first in understanding and determining his or her particular goals , making sure they are realistic or indeed , sufficiently ambitious ; second , to help decide how best they can be achieved ; and third , to help the individual come to terms with retirement , and to play a more active part in its outcome .
23 By and large , capital had come to terms with war — an alliance given prominence in 1916 by press agitation for Allied plans to translate the wartime economic blockade of Germany into a post-war policy of concerted discrimination against German exports — the so-called ‘ War After the War .
24 The degree to which these denominations had come to terms with Teetotalism and a sign of the strength it had acquired are seen in some figures for 1890 .
25 My grandmother paid for it — she never really came to terms with Mum 's moving abroad , and I think that was her way of making sure I never lost the other half of my inheritance . ’
26 ‘ Poetry places me in a very special position — as someone who in the end came to terms with society but not enough to be socially acceptable . ’
27 It is obviously a ridiculous state of affairs and the national coach found himself asking two pertinent questions as he came to terms with loss on a farcical scale .
28 Now Dave is coming to terms with life on the outside :
29 Quite apart from the practical problems of care , the family is faced with the sadness of coming to terms with change in a person they have known and probably loved all their life .
30 Coming to terms with stress
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