Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] a specific time " in BNC.

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1 It 's easy to control , including the scheduling aspects — you can delay a fax send until a specific time , sending all your faxes for one day after 6pm , say , in order to take advantage of off peak telephone rates ( or after midnight , if you have a midnight line ) .
2 In Webb the employer was allowed to put forward an explanation , which was accepted as being gender-neutral , that an employee was needed at a specific time to be trained and to cover for a period of maternity leave with the probability of being retained as a permanent employee .
3 A CD is a negotiable bearer instrument issued by a bank which certifies that a stated sum has been deposited for a specific time period at a particular interest rate .
4 This implication was later firmed up by the Sages of the Second Commonwealth to become a fully-fledged rabbinic declaration of exemption embracing nearly all of the positive commandments whose fulfilment depended upon a specific time of the day or year — an exemption which rapidly came to be viewed in terms of actual exclusion ( Kidd .
5 More commonly , the parties ( or the court ) may consider that the matrimonial home should stand in the sole name of the wife but that the husband should be compensated by the payment of cash , or ( if cash is not available ) that the husband should have a charge on the property for a fixed amount ( as opposed to an interest in the equityas to which see Chapter 6 ) , the calling in of the charge being deferred until a specific time or happening of a specified event ( eg death of wife , remarriage of wife or youngest child attaining the age of eighteen years ) .
6 Urging national governments to develop further the structure of the planned political union , as an essential concomitant to successful economic and monetary union , the Bundesbank said that the fulfilment of entry criteria and conditions of economic convergence between EC countries should not be linked to a specific time frame ( as provided for in the treaty ) .
7 To avoid inconvenience it may be scheduled to run at a specific time when LIFESPAN itself is not required .
8 It could be argued that this is an organization matter not an accounting one ; that a control needs to be introduced which prevents managers artificially postponing cash payments , e.g. a rule that all invoices must be paid within a specific time .
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