Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the wrong [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A slight ‘ upstand ’ at one end of the roof ensures that the water will not fall off the wrong end .
2 ‘ You 're still applying for the wrong jobs , ’ she said , with more than a hint of exasperation .
3 Police say against the wrong victim , the stun gun could be deadly .
4 Legitimate drug rackets are after all not only lucrative — there 's gold in them there pills ( Klass 1975 ) — but they also provide the occasion for seeing oneself — if you are involved in them — as sharper , shrewder , and more powerful than those ending up the wrong side of the law .
5 The founding brothers never entrusted anything to paper , fearing that rituals and their interpretation of them might fall into the wrong hands .
6 Confirming details of the agreement in Washington on Aug. 31 , US President George Bush said that it " will help ensure that nuclear weapons grade material does not fall into the wrong hands , while providing funds to promote economic reforms and the transition to a market-based economy " in Russia .
7 ( 6 ) As well as ensuring that documents do not fall into the wrong hands , the parties should ensure that any meetings or " due diligence " exercises are conducted discreetly , to avoid rumour and speculation .
8 Labour 's consumer affairs spokesman , Nigel Griffiths , called on the Department of Trade and Industry to issue guidelines to firms disposing of damaged goods to ensure that packaging did not fall into the wrong hands .
9 If the planes are to avoid the danger of anti-aircraft fire or missiles , they have to fly so high that any drop would be liable to miss its target , with the danger that the supplies would fall into the wrong hands , or even injure those whom it is intended to help .
10 But the C P R E's evidence does n't offer you anything to go on , save that the figures have been approached in the wrong way , cos they did n't start bottom up from the environment .
11 Endill watched Tock make a hole in the wall , holding his hammer with both hands to stop it banging in the wrong place .
12 If one player stands in the wrong place , it will change the value of the team number .
13 Oh I 've come in the wrong way
14 To them Heathcote does all the wrong things , says all the wrong things , and writes in the wrong way .
15 It was still risky , however , and anyone found in the wrong dormitory outside of hours faced expulsion .
16 At the worst the plaintiff who starts in the wrong division will be removed to another division , and may have to pay the expenses , if any , incurred by his mistake ; but he can not fail altogether for his mistake .
17 She pauses in the wrong places and puts emphasis on words which do not merit the stress , giving the effect of a halting delivery .
18 The trials of the Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four , provide damning evidence of the state 's corrupt disregard for the rights of innocent people unfortunate to be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong kind of Irish accent .
19 Tormented and frustrated by his yearnings to be a woman , the certain and shattering knowledge that he was caught in the wrong body , he finally decided the only answer was to have a sex change operation .
20 Of course , they 'd immediately jump to the wrong conclusion and think I was talking about a girlfriend , and I 'd get some almighty teasing , but the joke was on them !
21 She was run over by a car travelling at excessive speed and overtaking on the wrong side .
22 It was her folly to be attracted to the wrong kind of man , but perhaps one day she might learn her lesson .
23 There are a hundred different ways of evaluating every piece of intelligence gathered so it is not hard to come to the wrong conclusions .
24 In fact she was walking to the wrong bus-stop before she did recall it .
25 Lurking on the wrong side of a maul following a drop-out , Quins ' prop , Mullins , had his nose broken by an elbow in the face .
26 Everyone knew she and Ryan had been living together , and it was easy to jump to the wrong conclusions .
27 Mosley revolted over the wrong crisis , for he failed to see that considerable social and economic reform would result from a Second World War , a conflagration which he bitterly opposed and which led to his internment in 1940 .
28 ‘ I 'm afraid you really have come to the wrong man .
29 You 've come to the wrong committee to try and get like a cash handout , but er we do appreciate the problems of putting on entertainments , and bops on campus .
30 Merrill paused for a moment , wondering if she had come to the wrong address .
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