Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the former [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Expressions such as " to insure adequately " and " to insure to the full value of the property " should be amended as the former covenant could be complied with if the cover equates to that recommended by the insurance company , and the latter could be interpreted as meaning the full market value of the property and , as such , could be less than the cost of reinstatement .
2 The Davies injury occurred as the former U S and British Open champion was diving for a catch .
3 He 's come to this country to work for the former England star , Mike Burton , who runs a local sports agency .
4 True , they would have had a stronger showing had not their former prime minister , Lothar de Maizière , stepped down before the election amid charges ( which he denies , and which an inquiry looks set to discuss ) that he used to work for the former East German secret police .
5 FOLLOWING the success of three previous seminars Liverpool Chamber of Commerce is holding a fourth talk shop on trading with the former East Germany .
6 President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro signed three decrees and a presidential agreement on property rights on Sept. 9 in an attempt to defuse the most contentious issue facing her government — the estimated 4,600 claims for redress from owners of property and land expropriated under the former Sandinista ( FSLN ) regime between 1979 and 1990 .
7 The item that makes everyone tick at PE also lies within the former gunnery hall , but it has been receiving attention since its arrival — within the hold of a Safair L–100 Hercules .
8 Visit this major exhibition located in the former service rooms of the castle 's great hall .
9 The sixth-century papal sacristy used during Lent has been located in the former wine cellar of the convent .
10 In 1990 we held a benefit which raised DM 200,000 for the Kupferstichkabinett in Dresden , whose director , Werner Schmidt , had over the years collected art that was forbidden in the former DDR .
11 Does my right hon. Friend agree that even if one ignores what is happening in the former USSR , there are other countries in the world that are potential aggressors and which either have nuclear capacity or may be near to acquiring it ?
12 Speaking to defence writers , he made clear he was against the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation taking over responsibility for all peacekeeping in the former Yugoslavia should a ceasefire and peace be agreed .
13 Meanwhile , the British Red Cross has been contacted by many people across the region offering accommdation and help if more wounded from the former Yugoslavia are brought here in future .
14 The Foreign Office says although the concern of independent UK-based groups for the welfare of those trapped in the former Yugoslavia is understandable , they strongly advise against unofficial missions .
15 The human creature develops in the former aspect , in the main , at puberty .
16 Also taking part in the programme were Flossie and Bill Jarvis , giving their memories of journeys on the railway and the Rev. Ray Arnold , who lives in the former Horderley station bungalow , told about his finds on the site .
17 The words contained in the former definition of larceny , in section 1 of the Larceny Act 1916 , ‘ without the consent of the owner , ’ have been omitted , and , we have no doubt , deliberately omitted from the definition of theft in the new Act .
18 If you are told that your employment is to end immediately , but that you will be paid salary for your notice period , that will fall within the former category .
19 The case would go to appeal on the issue of whether West German law could apply to events which occurred in the former East German state .
20 Furthermore , as we have shown , there are wide variations in performance between different categories of NSE students , and it seems likely that the universities may pursue more conservative entrance policies with regard to non-traditional students than those pursued in the former polytechnic sector .
21 The difficulties of co-ordinating the work of counties and districts , or regions and districts , has not been confined to questions of status relating to the former county boroughs .
22 This article will concentrate on the former procedures .
23 That influence , far from being confined to the former graveyard of St Giles ' , has spread and is spreading in every corner of the world .
24 He ignored her words by reverting to the former subject .
25 Lucy had no intention of reverting to the former subject , so she said in a determined voice , ‘ I would like to get on with the job .
26 The mass graves of about 12,500 people who died from 1945 to 1950 in a Soviet prison camp located at the former Sachsenhausen concentration camp were discovered near the site in September .
27 Having congratulated Cabinet members on their return , Major yesterday baffled the gathering by noting that the new Attorney General , Sir Nicholas Lyell , lived in a house that was once occupied by the former Kent cricketer Alfred Mynn .
28 Property owned by the former Somoza dictatorship and its private army , the National Guard , would not be returned , although even here , any anomalies would be examined .
29 Also in this category , however , is a group of establishments formed from the amalgamation of a college of education with one or more further education colleges , for example the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education consisting of the former Cartrefle College of Education , Wrexham ; Wrexham College of Technology ; and Kelsterton College of Technology , Connah 's Quay , Flintshire .
30 But he stressed that no formal approach had been made for the former football ground .
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