Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the basis for " in BNC.

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1 By that time the information contained in the audited accounts would be so out of date that it would not reasonably be foreseen as the basis for a business judgment concerning the extension of credit to Berg or the discounting of bills .
2 However , whatever balance between sectors one would like to see as the basis for community care policy , the private sector is here to stay and likely to expand .
3 Ramsay learnt early on the crucial importance of drawing as the basis for his art .
4 It is with Zerlina that Giovanni sings the enchanting duet ‘ La cì darem la mano ’ , which later composers , including Chopin , paid the compliment of using as the basis for variations .
5 This type of community work with refugees is in many ways similar to the organization of the controlled zones and is regarded as the basis for a future development model after the triumph of the FDR-FMLN .
6 The agreement on troop withdrawal was to be regarded as the basis for a future treaty on the issue .
7 In Liverpool William Rathbone extracted figures from the muster roles which Clarkson used as the basis for the statistics on mortality , disease and desertion amongst seamen engaged in the slave trade and which apparently impressed the Privy Council committee .
8 These developments of the soil system were achieved within soil science but adoption and development of the approach in physical geography was achieved by Huggett ( 1975 ) when he extended the catena approach to the drainage basin , which he used as the basis for a model of the soil system , and attempted to simulate the flux of plasmic material in an idealized basin .
9 But what exactly was the new science of biology that Huxley and others wanted to establish as the basis for a modern education ?
10 The Communist Manifesto sets out unequivocally to destroy the very institutions which God created as the basis for the social order .
11 the lack of knowledge and understanding about the basis for allocation ;
12 After discussions with the client , a neutral viewpoint is selected as the basis for a root definition and conceptual model .
13 Also in the field of biogeography world maps of plant formations had been utilized for many years and had indeed been adopted as the basis for some climatic classification by attempting to fit the classification to the plant distribution .
14 Internationally , the data protection principles were adopted as the basis for the 1980 OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data .
15 If monetarism is adopted as the basis for policy , the authorities must reduce the endogenous element to a minimum .
16 Whatever uses it may serve within descriptive linguistics , and there is clearly some advantage in dividing up and abstracting fields of study for specific purposes , it is quite a different matter to then take such abstract categories as ‘ language-systems ’ rather than language uses as the basis for cross-cultural comparison , particularly when what is being compared is such a socially charged concept as ‘ objectivity ’ .
17 This gas is much less common than oxygen and very much more reactive ( in fact , it is the most reactive of all the elements , probably too reactive to serve as the basis for any conceivable lifeform .
18 Whereas gold was widely accessible in a form suited for immediate use by the smith , native silver , though doubtless exploited by early man when it occurred in nature , was too scarce in the Old World to serve as the basis for any very substantial industry .
19 The union treaty was intended to serve as the basis for a new Soviet constitution ; it also set out the structure of government of the new union , including a directly elected Supreme Soviet in which all national areas would be represented .
20 An elected National Development Council ( CND ) , which in 1986 drafted a national charter to serve as the basis for a new Constitution , was superseded by a National Assembly elected in December 1989 , when the CND assumed the role of an economic and social council .
21 An elected National Development Council ( CND ) in 1986 drafted a national charter to serve as the basis for a new Constitution which was adopted by referendum in September 1989 .
22 However , it is first worth rehearsing the basic structure within which the delegation of powers will work under LMS and looking at the basis for teacher involvement that already exists in many schools .
23 Recent legislation , on employment protection by making provision for disclosure of information and advance consultation on redundancy , and on health and safety by bringing the subject into the sphere of joint regulation , is advanced as the basis for this declaration : ‘ It can be argued indeed that the basis for a legislative framework designed to encourage industrial democracy at shop floor level already exists ’ .
24 Nevertheless , this apparent similarity of method has been used as the basis for attempts , tentative and unlikely as they are , to find a rapprochement between Marxism and deconstruction .
25 Fourthly , detailed evaluation and monitoring procedures must exist which are used as the basis for managing change .
26 This explanation of urban poverty in terms of ‘ perverse incentives ’ is being picked up by the right wing in Britain and used as the basis for proposals for new policies and regulations regarding unemployment benefit , income support , and housing entitlement as they apply to lone mothers .
27 This chart could then be used as the basis for an essay or a piece of revision and — although the words used might be different — you would , in fact , end up by saying just what I said in that portion of text above .
28 The French system gives the observer more confidence than the UK system does that a more thorough assessment has been made by the French of comparative natural handicaps which is then used as the basis for a comprehensive system of support .
29 The recommendations of the Working Party have been used as the basis for financial allocations to the Health Service regions since 1977 .
30 Once approved , these are used as the basis for governmental policy review .
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