Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the early day " in BNC.

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1 No doubt she has heard about Lovat being badly wounded during the early days of the fighting in Normandy and remembers her words to me as I left Achnacarry to join Lovat in Sussex .
2 The passage of the Riot Act of 1715 , which made assembling for political ( as well as other ) purposes potentially a capital offence , reveals how far the Whigs had come from the early days when they had actively promoted political demonstrations and deliberately sought an alliance with " the crowd " .
3 It helped in the early days , ’ she says .
4 This ‘ impact ’ has from the earliest days of film theory opened up questions of ideology , of desire and fantasy , and of representation .
5 Another form of deception which affected the consumer occurred in the early days of LPs .
6 But the beauty and the loving care with which many a smaller city had been built and adorned in the early days of the Greek cities is a vital element in the history of the Greek city , obscurely pointing to a time , not of peace — for in Greece the lion never lay down with the lamb , and neighbouring cities constantly fought each other — but of more equal prosperity .
7 Now Robyn threw herself into her work , staying up late into the night , as she had done in the early days of setting up her business , working with feverish persistence to complete a design .
8 Endowments dated from the earliest days of England 's Christian history and compulsory Church Rates were no longer being levied throughout the Kingdom .
9 An interesting little problem often occurs in the early days of using a new program — fumble fingers .
10 Excursion Tickets were multi-coloured and must date from the early days of the Railway .
11 Great advances have been made since the early days of computing , when specialist skills were needed for such interaction .
12 2 Provide any dressing equipment needed for the early days after discharge .
13 A large part of the world had special trading and investment relations with the UK stemming mainly from the ties forged during the earlier days of the Empire .
14 Remembering the struggles she had had in the early days of her married life to avoid putting weight on her waist and hips , she laughed .
15 They are supervised in the early days , encouraged to speak up at meetings , and they also attend training programmes which are provided for all the care assistants .
16 The quick redemption of bonds seems to have been envisaged from the early days for this kind of comment recurs. that the repayment took over 75 years to accomplish is remarkable , but that it is so is attributable to three things , compounded by other factors such as two World Wars .
17 There is an extraordinary variety to the films produced in the early days of British cinema , showing the diversity of sources from which filmmakers drew their ideas .
18 The shallow bays may be a degree or two warmer , and are always the first place to look in the early days , but the deeps will stay cold until real strength returns to the sun .
19 ‘ From Eating to Sleeping ’ — Visitors are invited to take a detailed look into a selection of carriages , with an emphasis on passenger comforts in the early days of the railways , led by Curator of Collections Dieter Hopkin in the South Hall .
20 It was no different from the situation that most couples face in the early days of their marriage , when they discover they do n't like each other 's friends .
21 Mendoros joined in the early days , taken on as a quality engineer by GE acting on behalf of HAI .
22 Close encounters with those instruments of torture such as the forceps , and probe ( used in the early days for extracting root ) .
23 I do n't think we 've got to the early days , made too many assumptions from this , particularly as they are seasonality er erm adjustment is n't terribly good .
24 I hope you are pleasantly surprised at how much further you are now able to stretch compared with the early days of the programme .
25 The researchers can dip into a collection that ranges from the early days of photography to current events .
26 ‘ I remember in the early days there were only green fields and a few cottages and farmhouses .
27 However , Wing suggests that Powick was noted in the early days chiefly for the cheapness of its care : ‘ The beauty of the setting and the amenities of the farm ( 510 acres ) contrasted with the restrictive and pinchpenny regime . ’
28 The nutritional value of tussac was perhaps not recognised in the early days and much was destroyed by fire or overgrazing .
29 THE pressures on the conductor Mark Wigglesworth seem considerable — his career constantly compared to the early days of Simon Rattle , and the rising star tag firmly attached to his travelling bag .
30 Sadly , the momentum gathered in the early days of my crusade had fizzled out by April , when it became obvious we were heading for Division One .
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