Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [noun] until " in BNC.

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1 It would be possible to search through the file until the record was located , but this technique , and the more refined methods available for searching sequential files in which there is no direct relationship between the record key and its storage location , are too slow for the needs of most enquiry systems .
2 Mr Taylor , of Preston , who had both insurance and his mortgage with Cheshire Building Society , had forgotten about the cover until he received a letter from the society 11 months after his early retirement .
3 ‘ To be honest I 'd forgotten about the money until Jim Boyce reminded me , ’ said manager Frankie Parks after the 4–0 win .
4 And I did n't know about the drugs until the Customs launch stopped us in the bay .
5 Of course if such an appeal is in effect a way of jettisoning the unexplained clause and opening the door to an explanation in terms of some other theory — say , a theory of relations — then it may turn out in the end to have been a step forward , but no credit can be claimed for the step until a reasonably clear , comprehensive , and persuasive account of the alternative theory has been presented .
6 But the experience of this Spirit must wait for the disciples until after the death and resurrection of the man filled with the Spirit .
7 The male guards the next , aerates the eggs and looks after the larvae until they are able to feed for themselves .
8 Many consumers did not even know of the charge until after the winter of 1948/9 when it was imposed ; because of cyclic meter reading , many received their winter bills only as the charge was lowered ; and some were never surcharged at all .
9 Then she swam along the bank until she came to the old pontoon .
10 Keeping the body rigid , press with the hands until the arms are straight .
11 This pet turtle will continue walking into the glass until its snout is bloody .
12 This pet turtle will continue walking into the glass until its snout is bloody .
13 He waded into the sea until the waters lapped against his knees while Leoncico splashed happily along behind him — perhaps reflecting how far he and his master had come since both were smuggled in a flour barrel on a boat to Darién .
14 Use several swabs to swab round the mouth until it is clean .
15 You stayed at home and helped in the home until you were old enough .
16 I 'd forgotten what was happening in the world until Treacher pronounced those ancient incantations from my childhood .
17 The Ship rose in the air until it was high above the buildings .
18 From the time she rose in the morning until she mounted the stairs to go to bed , she was at her mother 's beck and call .
19 Unless de Raimes ' castle was falling down by itself , he was under attack from someone , and if no one came for her she could be buried alive , forgotten , trapped in the darkness until death overcame her .
20 You would have thought Magnus 's mother would have been nice to me but I bet Father had already telephoned and told her lies about me , because she made me wait in the hall until Nanny came to collect me in a taxicab .
21 ‘ I 'll wait in the kitchen until it 's daylight , and then I 'll leave .
22 Cooking became a kind of therapy which he greatly enjoyed , but the results could be bizarre : ‘ things in pastry ’ were a favourite ( the things might be tins of beans and of peppers ) , and sometimes so awful that Dieter and Reid would wait in the car until John had fallen asleep , to avoid having to eat them .
23 ‘ Remember that I do n't want Clare to know she 's included in the trust until she apologizes !
24 He was conscious that Therese had been engaging in ‘ business ’ but had n't appreciated how it had looked from the front until it was too late to do anything about it .
25 Britain 's armed forces were not fully committed to the struggle until after D Day , and it is this gap in time between the turn of fortune and the invasion of Europe that saw the most intense interest in post-war planning and , in particular , full employment policy .
26 If that does n't score highly enough to win a contest the next stage is to grapple on the ground until one player wins by holding down an opponent for 30 seconds .
27 At such moments it was difficult to remain calm , but she forced herself to concentrate on the figures until eventually the task was finished .
28 ‘ Nicely put , ’ I said , and drew on the cigarette until it made me light-headed .
29 The Felder started immediately , and I watched the revs climbing on the rev-counter until I began to roll forward into the open .
30 However , notation is never added to the schedules until the basic order of subjects has been determined .
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