Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] a [adj] meeting " in BNC.

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1 This was the first ever building specifically erected as a social meeting place , as opposed to a church , in this country — or for that matter , anywhere else in the world .
2 The council decided not to appeal during a special meeting of its policy and resources committee .
3 Before the Cabinet reached its final decision , Shawcross asked for a special meeting with the Prime Minister and Morrison in which he strongly pressed his point of view :
4 He asked for an urgent meeting with Colonel Easterhouse .
5 It was arranged as a grandiose meeting of fascists and their supporters , in anticipation of a triumphant mass meeting at the White City , London , in August .
6 Lynn says … she could n't have wished for a bigger meeting in which to make her first run for Britain … she 's been training hard since the end of the track season and is in good form
7 He is pressing for an early meeting with Home Office Minister Peter Lloyd , who has been sent a copy of the survey .
8 Because of its concerns about the consultants ' figures , convention officials have been pressing for an urgent meeting of a joint Scottish Office-COSLA working party on finance since early February but that has not taken place .
9 Nevertheless , if a good sleep is imperative , say before an important meeting , then a short-acting hypnotic might be helpful ( it needs to be short-acting or its effects might last into the next waking period ) .
10 Aziz returned to Moscow on Feb. 21 and reported in a late-night meeting with Gorbachev that Iraq accepted the peace plan , although Saddam Hussein in a broadcast speech that same day had maintained an intransigent stance and urged on his forces in the " mother of battles " .
11 It soon became apparent that the whole report could not be considered in a single meeting and it was suggested that another meeting be arranged to continue with it .
12 An official quoted in a report in the Los Angeles Times of April 26 referred to a secret meeting , at which he was present , only two months before the invasion , when senior administration members decided to continue funnelling assistance , including food aid , intelligence data and advanced weapons technology .
13 The results of this exercise will be reported to a future meeting of the Finance Committee .
14 On April 6 Parys had claimed at a televised meeting with army officers that politicians were preparing to use the army for " political intrigues " , offering officers promotion in return for their support .
15 On Jan. 16 the heads of the 11 member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) held a conference in Moscow ( preceded by a preparatory meeting of Foreign Ministers on Jan. 10 ) .
16 The INRO meeting was preceded by a ministerial meeting of the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries , incorporating Indonesia , Malaysia , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka , Singapore and Thailand , in Chiang Mai ( Thailand ) on April 29 .
17 BZW 's decision to break off talks came after a top-level meeting between executives at the investment bank and Morgan yesterday .
18 The doctor also told of a four-hour meeting with a group of Irish throwers , who asked his advice on how to improve the efficiency of their drug programme .
19 He quoted " dramatic data " which had been presented to a recent meeting of a committee charged with deciding the future of the shell .
20 He agreed to preside over a public meeting of the inhabitants of Dundee to be held on 10 November 1819 to protest against ‘ the unprovoked , cruel and cowardly attack made on the people of Manchester ’ and ‘ to suggest the means most likely to lead to a reform of abuses ’ .
21 the application has to be made to a quarterly meeting of the board ( s.5(6) ) , and the transfer effected can only be to the person who during the currency of the licence has become the Owner or occupier or the new tenant of the premises to which the certificate relates .
22 Nuclear Electric officials agreed to a request from Leiston district councillor John Geater for details of the costs of nuclear generation to be presented at a future meeting .
23 Presented at a recent meeting of the British Psychological Society in York , they suggest that any link between slightly raised lead levels and impaired intelligence is rendered insignificant by other social factors .
24 Accurate and detailed accounts need to be kept and these should be open for inspection at any time by governors and members of the organising committee with a financial statement presented at an annual meeting .
25 Durham county councillors decided at a private meeting yesterday that the club building in Duke Street should be repossessed .
26 Also had further letter from Notts County Council about Nottinghamshire Minerals local plan , asking us again if we have any representations to make , I think it was decided at a previous meeting that we did not , erm Colin Williamson , production of development and planning at Newton and Sherwood District Council , it 's proposal to run seminars for Parish Councils on planning policies , law and procedures , and we would like to know erm whether erm we would be interested in attending , and how many people would wish , he he has earmarked temporarily twenty eighth of March , which is a Monday , as a possible date at town hall , so if er if you think that would be something that you would be erm interested in going to , the topics erm are really I think things that came up at the Parish Council 's conference , the questions about planning , about the rules , and the policies , and the procedures etcetera , the erm , and visitors were talking last thing for sixth of December for five minutes , and the discussion for half an hour to three quarters , commencing at half past seven , so er if anyone 's interested in attending that ?
27 That was done at a previous meeting , it was
28 Peru , Bolivia and Colombia opposed US proposals , made at a preparatory meeting in Quito , Ecuador , in early February , to allow aircraft or warships of member countries of a " regional conference and action group " to enter each other 's territory , sea or airspace in pursuit of drug traffickers .
29 The presentation would be made at a Divisional Meeting in due course .
30 The suggestion was made at a joint meeting of all sides organised by North Yorkshire county council .
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