Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both teacher-initiated and pupil-initiated assessment questions should be formulated for the particular piece work which incorporates the use of the program .
2 Software suitably designed for the particular application is employed to control the user 's interaction with the multimedia data on the disc .
3 Although some patients do attend with a letter from their GP , many prefer to come directly to the clinic , as this saves time and possible embarrassment if they would rather that their family doctor did n't know about the particular problem .
4 It 's strange you have an image in your mind of the particular person you want for the particular role .
5 SFA lists certain criteria to be used to judge relevant experience and understanding for the particular transaction .
6 The answer always differed with the particular situation .
7 And its advantage lies in the particular enzyme by which it is transcribed into RNA .
8 The central core of Formen is really an attempt to answer fundamental preliminary questions for Marx 's theory of capital : what is property when it is not property as visualized in the particular formulation of capitalism ?
9 The distinctive nature of the ends is reinforced by the fact that the occupants are often physically con fined to the particular area for the whole of the football match .
10 The practical task , then , for a water authority setting or modifying a consent based on criteria relating to the particular watercourse becomes one of persuading a discharger disadvantaged by some criterion which makes sense in utilitarian — but not moral — terms of the force of the agency 's position .
11 First and foremost we have to consider the immediate social contexts in which the statements are made : in one case an intervention in a youth project on a council estate dominated by the particular group of boys being interviewed ; in the second case a course run for police officers who had special responsibility for training cadets in the art of ‘ good community relations ’ .
12 Lévi-Strauss ' point here , however , is simply the objection that Sartre defines ‘ man ’ in advance , predetermined by the particular experience of what it is to be a man in twentieth-century post-war French society .
13 But analysis has so far been largely entrapped by the particular form of Marxism with which cultural theory has adopted .
14 Perhaps so , but if this is the case , why should vertical stripes be selected as the particular zebra pattern ?
15 A distinction should also be made between the particular style of character dance known in all the leading schools and the true folk dance performed by the people of a country .
16 A PC-based analyser is ideal in that it is impartial , on-hand , and quick , but due allowance has to be made for the particular type of text .
17 The elision of third parties into the overall international community in the Draft Articles occurs for the particular purpose of identifying the consequences of an international wrongful act .
18 The subtle , instinctive mind pattern of an insect may be looking for the particular infrared , pheromone emission which signifies the presence of his lady-love .
19 This approach more than adequately disposes of the particular point at issue in the Pickin case but does not , as is hardly surprising , answer a number of questions which were not asked :
20 The article only deals in passing with the particular issue of non-standard entry students and degree performances but argues that evidence shows that these students , and mature students in general , achieve better results than traditional students in most fields of study .
21 It is also something you can do with the particular pupil whose book you are marking .
22 The September changes were intended to make the EMS less vulnerable to external influences , and to this end further agreement on foreign exchange intervention policies and interest rate policies was made with the particular objective of reducing incentives for short-term capital movements .
23 So the choreographer can not make strong contrasts between the style usually used for the other-worldly spirits and that used for the characters living in the particular setting .
24 Some concern has been expressed that in its transposition the idiom of Taizé may seem musically and liturgically slight , because it has been separated from the particular spirituality of which it is part .
25 Champagne made from grapes grown in the particular year printed on the label .
26 The company now offers user-based licences tailored to the particular software product and its possible usage patterns .
27 And whether tackling plays ancient or modern he brought to the task in hand an integrity tailored to the particular piece , never to his own glorification .
28 It is therefore better to reach some compromise , and perhaps use a word list tailored to the particular domain .
29 This is not a depressive or suicidal phenomenon but is related to the particular effect of the dissociative state upon the mind : ‘ If you have a full-blown experience of K , you can never believe there is death , or that death can possibly influence who you are . ’
30 Or you can write to one of the reputable colleges or organisations related to the particular therapy and ask for details of practitioners in your area .
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