Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [adj] capital " in BNC.

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1 A Pakistan International Airlines Airbus A-300 crashed near the Nepalese capital , Kathmandu , on a flight from Karachi , Pakistan , on Sept. 28 , killing all 167 passengers and crew .
2 As many as 800 Irish supporters are expected in the Albanian capital Tirana for the match , despite advice from the Football Association of Ireland not to make the trip because of lack of facilities there .
3 The ordeal began when Mr Arafat was returning from the Sudanese capital , Khartoum , to his headquarters in Tunis .
4 Their activities at the start of NEP are studied in the chapter devoted to the cultural capital , which was still Petrograd rather than Moscow in 1922 .
5 Frequently recurring criticisms of the contracts are that they are of up to nine years ' duration , they contain hidden annual increases , that the costs of settling old agreements are added to the undisclosed capital value of new equipment , and that the total cost of a contract is not disclosed .
6 Aristide had embarked on a European tour on Oct. 24 , returning to the Venezuelan capital , Caracas , on Oct. 31 .
7 This represents a reversal of the prevailing trends of the nineteenth century and is re-establishing the broad distribution found before 1750 , dominated by the national capital and the rich agricultural lowlands ( Osborne , 1964 ; Department of the Environment , 1971 ) .
8 The permanent collection will be exhibited on the second floor of the Museum and its opening will come during the year when Madrid has been selected as the Cultural Capital of Europe .
9 IN OUR SECOND disturbing dispatch [ Apocalypse Now — Now , page 110 ] , novelist Christopher Hope reports from suburban Johannesburg , which he describes as the wall-building capital of the world .
10 In the north of Eritrea , EPLF forces moved into the regional capital of Asmara on May 24 , and took Assab from demoralized government troops on May 25 .
11 Leaders of Algeria , Tunisia , Morocco , Libya and Mauritania , the member countries of the Arab Maghreb Union ( AMU ) formed in February 1989 [ see p. 36474 ] , met in the Algerian capital , Algiers , on July 22-23 .
12 The Sino-British Joint Liaison Group , which had been created to ease the transfer of power in Hong Kong to China in 1997 , met in the Chinese capital Beijing on April 24-27 [ for September 1989 meeting see p. 36894 ] .
13 On July 9 the leaders of Djibouti , Ethiopia , Kenya , Sudan and Uganda and a representative of the Somali government met in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa , in the context of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Drought and Development ( IGADD ) .
14 Representatives of the Group of 24 ( G-24 ) industrialized countries , which co-ordinated aid for eastern Europe and former Soviet Asia , met in the Albanian capital , Tirana , on July 22 in order to discuss with the Albanian authorities and international financial institutions how aid to Albania might be accelerated .
15 Framed in the initial capital ‘ D ‘ on the right-hand page are the arms of de Bracque , surmounted by his abbot 's crozier .
16 She estimates prices have risen in the French capital by 25-30 per cent a year since 1985 .
17 A decision taken at an emergency session of the Arab League Council , meeting in the Egyptian capital , Cairo , on Sept. 10 , to transfer the bulk of organization 's departments and affiliated apparatus from Tunis to Cairo by Oct. 31 , provoked a sharp reaction from some members countries not in attendance .
18 The Group of Eight ( G-8 ) Latin American debtor countries ( Argentina , Brazil , Colombia , Mexico , Peru , Uruguay , Venezuela and Panama — the last having been expelled , however , on March 30 , 1990 — see p. 37373 ) meeting in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires on Dec. 4-5 , 1989 , issued the Buenos Aires Declaration , under which the Foreign Affairs and Economic and Planning Ministers agreed to meet every six months with a view to establishing a Latin American common market by 1992 .
19 Meeting in the Argentinian capital , Buenos Aires , justice ministers from the four South American countries aiming to create the Mercosur regional common market by 1995 — Argentina , Brazil , Paraguay and Uruguay — signed an agreement for joint legal cooperation on Nov. 7 [ for March 1991 launch of Mercosur see p. 38096 ] .
20 Reports of a possible attack on Kismayu by Mr Jess 's supporters came as 15 Somali factions meeting in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa neared agreement on a new transitional authority in Somalia , without a government since January 1991 .
21 If there is spare capacity then a rise in output Y t can be met from the existing capital stock , with no need for new investment .
22 It should be noted that the definition of " settlement " in TA 1988 , s681(4) is applied to the overseas capital gains tax regime in TCGA 1992 , s97(7) and it is clear that before a settlement can exist under that code ( which excludes s86 ) there must be an element of bounty ( IRC v Plummer 54 TC 1 ) .
23 It states that investment is positively related to the expected level of output and negatively related to the existing capital stock .
24 Under the council tax they will be charged according to the full capital value of those homes .
25 The final outcome depends on the initial capital stock : if , the economy converges to if , k tends to zero .
26 We are obviously aware of the need for capital expenditure but fortunately we have got through the big capital programme in advance before the , the current which the treasurer may wish to comment on of the county 's overall capital programme , of which er of course there are , there is competition from other committees .
27 But at last , in a gesture symbolic of Western encroachment itself , the railway burst through the city wall of Peking , bridged the great moat , and advanced upon the ancient capital itself .
28 THE chances of John Toshack completing his two-year contract as Real Madrid 's manager look thin , with speculation growing in the Spanish capital that he will go by next summer .
29 Shells have exploded in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo near the building where the Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd was meeting the Bosnian president .
30 Allowed safe air passage , he arrived in the Colombian capital , Bogotá , on June 3 .
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