Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 The next hurdle for Petrochemicals will be to go for the highest level Q1 Gold award which will involve another step up in performance .
2 The fourth aim of catering for the different levels of ability is more likely to be teacher-dependent .
3 Situated between the two levels will be 19 hospitality boxes with full catering facilities for up to 200 people together with a club lounge and offices .
4 All these levels may be seen as controlled by the relationship of the people involved in the discourse , which we may regard as the highest level .
5 Utilisation measured by admission rates at the small area level was used as the measure of need , with an attempt to adjust for the current level of supply of health care facilities .
6 Three factors , which acted in regions of dry cereal farming with particular intensity , have been blamed for the low levels of productivity ; first extensive common lands ; secondly , a maldistribution of landed property — the twin problem of the latifundia and the minifundia — combined with insecure tenures and high rents ; thirdly , a type of settlement where the majority of the agricultural population lived in large villages and towns .
7 The oral hygiene index carried about the same level of increased risk for total mortality as for the incidence of coronary heart disease .
8 Hence when blood sugar drops below the required level the body sends out signals which are interpreted by the mind as ‘ I am feeling hungry . ’
9 Unwittingly , Howard appears to accept that Labour 's growth was inexorable , within the context of the times , for he argues that it occurred despite the poor level of party organization throughout the country .
10 The government agency withdrew facilities for 160 centres countrywide , because the beef they handled was deemed below the required level .
11 Assuming that the 20 per cent of pupils outside the TGAT 's expectations were equally divided above and below the ‘ normal ’ range , then 10 per cent of 5 to 16 year olds might fall below the required levels .
12 However , if there are adverse exogenous shocks to the established unionized sector ( such as a worsening of outside opportunities , an adverse demand shock , or increasing polarization in attitudes to the trade union movement ) , then equilibrium wages and membership may fall below the critical level , and the union vanish from the sector .
13 This contrasts with the situation for a viscous magma such as rhyolite in which gas expansion is constrained in the lower levels of the magma column .
14 With the FTSE staging a modest recovery to be 6.5 down at 3032.1 having been 16.5 off immediately dealing began , City analysts believe the 100-index will fall to the 3000 level if the weakness on the New York stock market continues .
15 A B-tree is balanced , in other words the tree is symmetrical so that all paths through it are the same length , so all leaf nodes appear on the same level , and carry no information .
16 I ca n't seem to get the lighting right — some plants are browning on the lower level — others are going brown all over .
17 Study of these various components of psychoticism as found in normal people has not been confined to the superficial level of observable traits , measured by questionnaires .
18 It was they whose immediate vision was one of attempting to escape from the grind of poverty , and whose children were confined to the lowest levels of education offered in the elementary schools and the secondary , or ‘ post-Hadow ’ , schools .
19 It has long been recognised , however , that international comparisons of industrial relations which are confined to the national level may produce misleading results because of the possible dominance of one or more particular industries within a given country .
20 A special class of prose-speakers for whom verse-speakers descend to the lower level are clowns , who may sing lyrics or speak verse for satiric purposes , but who are almost invariably addressed in prose the moment they appear .
21 Failure to persuade medical staff of the adverse consequences on patient care should be reported to the next level of management .
22 The " something " which is said is called by Guillaume an " import of meaning " ( 1984 : 120 – 2 ) and corresponds on the linguistic level to the lexeme or non-grammatical part of the word 's meaning .
23 Laura Ashley was one of those invited and was genuinely thrilled to be considered on the same level as these ‘ famous names ’ .
24 First , it is appropriate for those working with a child to try to communicate at the right level ; this means introducing language structures with which the child is already familiar and trying to ensure that the content of conversations is appropriate to the child 's ability to understand and to her interests .
25 These were that the maximum speed of flights was to be reduced from 835 kmph to 778 kmph and that the amount of time permitted at the lowest level of 75 metres was to be cut from 28 to 15 minutes , with the rest of the flight being made at no lower than 150 metres .
26 But even though what was being contemplated was regionally restricted , it nevertheless went far beyond what these states , following the British line , had been willing to accept at the European level .
27 In Saunders 's view , the ‘ local state ’ can not simply be reduced to a functioning part of a national capitalist state , for within certain constraints ‘ non-capitalist interests can win at the local level in a way that is becoming increasingly difficult at national level ’ ( pp. 4 , 11 ) .
28 So it promises to bridge the gap that still in fact exists in many if not most organizations between what happens at the local and individual level and what 's happening at the corporate level .
29 Village elders voted at the lowest level instead of constituents and determined representatives to vote at the next highest level .
30 If we ask the acoustic front end to leave some of the labelling to lexical access it will do so with a vengeance since it has no way of knowing what dilemmas need resolving at the lexical level .
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