Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [prep] the trial " in BNC.

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1 She was acquitted on 17 counts of murder but admitted manslaughter during the trial which dramatically collapsed when the INLA bomb gang threw in the towel and changed their pleas .
2 A neighbour who did not give evidence at the trial of Lisa and Michelle Taylor has said she saw a girl resembling Alison , 21 , arrive home at 6pm on the night she was stabbed .
3 Video taped evidence , in which Mr Reagan admits he approved the covert Arms for Hostages operation , that became known as the Iran Contra affair , is to be made public by the trial judge .
4 Two patients withdrew because they claimed intolerance to the trial tablets .
5 The third man , Mark Seaton , was rescued from the river and has already given evidence at the trial of 5 companies at Bristol Crown Court .
6 The ‘ eminent doctors ’ had given evidence in the trial to the effect that it was acceptable to ‘ invoke a regime of starvation and sedation to quickly speed the demise of the handicapped child . ’
7 ( 6 ) A specific immunity ( at least in certain circumstances , which it is unnecessary to explore ) , possessed by accused persons undergoing trial , from having adverse comment made on any failure ( a ) to answer questions before the trial , or ( b ) to give evidence at the trial .
8 ( 6 ) A special immunity … possessed by accused persons undergoing trial , from having adverse comment made on any failure ( a ) to answer questions before the trial , or ( b ) to give evidence at the trial .
9 The Divisional Court , in holding that the magistrate erred in committing the applicant , also referred to the fact that Price had stated before the magistrate that he would not return to Sweden to give evidence at the trial of the applicant if he was extradited to Sweden .
10 The Court ruled that the case against the three , who had exercised their right not to give evidence at the trial , had been overwhelmingly prejudiced following an announcement by King during the trial of restrictions on the right of silence [ see p. 37098 ] .
11 Thereunder in the county court , Ord 20 , r 15 enables notice to be given of intention to give evidence at the trial pursuant to s 2 of the Act whensoever , for reasons to be given in the notice , a witness can not be called : see Ord 20 , rr 14 – 24 and notes thereunder in The County Court Practice .
12 Hans Modrow , then the leader of the Dresden regional SED organization ( and later East German Prime Minister ) , refused to give evidence in the trial , on the grounds that there was a case pending against him relating to those elections .
13 I received twenty completed record sheets — and a load of very apologetic letters explaining why the remainder had been unable to do justice to the trial .
14 He was giving evidence at the trial of two nineteen year olds Paul Archibald and David Bobby , who 're accused of killing Mr Sheldon in a stabbing incident in the city earlier this year .
15 Peter Sheldon was giving evidence at the trial of two nineteen year olds accused of killing Edinburgh student Paul Sheldon .
16 Peter Sheldon was giving evidence at the Trial of Paul Archibald and David Bobby accused of murdering the student at the City 's Whitehouse Loan in February this year .
17 A second charge accused him of having between the same dates — July 1 and August 20 , 1993 — attempted to force Mr McIvor to refrain from giving evidence at the trial of Stephen Wilson .
18 John O'Donnell , 25 , was giving evidence at the trial of David McPherson , 30 , of Halkett Crescent , Rosshead , Alexandria , who denies assault and attempted murder .
19 She was giving evidence at the trial of Daniel McKinnon , 17 , of Ashgill Road , Milton , Andrew Walker , 16 , Finlas Street , Possilpark , both Glasgow , and a 14-year-old boy who can not be named for legal reasons .
20 Mr Templeton was giving evidence at the trial of James Sutherland , 50 , of Gilmore Place , Edinburgh .
21 asking for guarantees for the physical safety of those who have been threatened and intimidated after giving evidence in the trial against the four policemen for the murder of Nahaman Carmona López ;
22 Ardilles has been giving evidence in the trial of his predecessor , Lou Macari , who denies conspiring to defraud the Inland Revenue .
23 He was giving evidence in the trial of a man accused of murdering his wife .
24 It was also suggested that a policeman attending court at the trial of the present proceedings might take note of evidence based on the disclosures and use that evidence .
25 In spite of fears about the use of the hormone , the names of the farms taking part in the trials are kept secret , and their milk is fed into the public supply .
26 One of the subscribers taking part in the trials said : ‘ I would n't have had the problems I had with malicious calls a few years ago if I 'd had Caller Display then . ’
27 And when comments from the 100 who are taking part in the trial run are reported back , it will be rolled out nationally to all Guinness Brewing GB employees .
28 Orders then snowballed and when the world 's first public railway opened in 1825 , William Jnr was one of six Stockton and Darlington Railway directors taking part in the trial run from Shildon to Darlington .
29 Eight schools are taking part in the trial scheme run by Sedgefield District Council .
30 Lena Pye , Uplands , Etherley Lane , Bishop Auckland : I had been invited to the public gallery at Durham Assizes ( crown court ) by Supt Vickers to watch part of the trial of Mr Louis Bloom , a Sunderland solicitor .
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