Example sentences of "[noun] believed that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Langdon believed that American determination to resist Soviet expansion in Korea had to be demonstrated and that the current unpopularity of communists in the south should be used to encourage the moderates in north Korea .
2 Spencer believed that social evolution was part of the processes of evolution at large and that societal arrangements were the outcome of natural causes .
3 Carleton believed that hard-line Protestants like himself were the queen 's only reliable subjects , her very ‘ bowels ’ .
4 Jean Jacques Rousseau , famous French philosopher , whose view of human nature , was what I would call optimistic , in the sense that , by contrast to Thomas Hobbes , John Rousseau believed that human beings were basically good .
5 Watkins believed that natural markers were used to set out the ley system .
6 Aristotle believed that strict determinism must be rejected because it destroys the natural basis for distinguishing between voluntary and involuntary actions .
7 Whereas Herodotus transformed ‘ history ’ ( historia ) from a general enquiry about the world into an enquiry about past events , Thucydides believed that serious history could be concerned only with the present , or the immediate past .
8 Bishop believed that change was essential and reported on his return to Washington that there was undue complacency in Tokyo ; the vested interests in the occupation bureaucracy believed that American dominance in Japan must be continued for a considerable period and Bishop held that tough action would be required in order to transform attitudes and to terminate the occupation .
9 Mindful of recent events in Dakar , these officials believed that Allied interests would best be served by maintaining a working relationship with Vichy administrators .
10 A few leading officials believed that free speech , human rights and other concepts embraced by the term ‘ democracy ’ were honourable in themselves , but mostly it appeared that support for democracy was based on promoting economic progress .
11 They must have talked long and hard about their future , and from now on Helen believed that other people would probably regard them as being ‘ engaged ’ — a term she hated because of the overtones of male dominance and female sexual ignorance that went with it .
12 Until then the Greeks believed that recent events were unimportant compared with the exploits of the heroes in Trojan times .
13 For example , on the crucial question of the medical condition of the evacuees , which was to cause so much controversy , the Board of Education believed that local authorities had been adequately warned that pediculosis ( head lice ) would be a problem and had been given instructions on how to disinfect children by the use of steam baths ; also that its memorandum Ev .
14 Unlike Eisenhower ( who had argued in 1959 , that if the Soviets really intended to make trouble they could be deterred only with the threat of nuclear war ) , Kennedy believed that Western diplomacy should be backed up by increased conventional forces on the continent .
15 Hearnden believed that elaborate inspections of schools are unnecessary .
16 The deists and Christian rationalists of the Enlightenment believed that rational argument could demonstrate the existence of God , just as Descartes had maintained before them .
17 Marx believed that capitalist values were completely determined by considerations of productivity .
18 Apart from the basic contradictions of capitalist society , Marx believed that certain factors in the natural development of a capitalist economy will hasten its downfall .
19 Marx believed that Western society had developed through four main epochs : primitive communism , ancient society , feudal society and capitalist society .
20 However , Marx believed that ruling class ideology could only slow down the disintegration of the system .
21 The principal obstacle was Jackson ; as in Tokyo , Americans believed that Australian representatives were too radical in their political sympathies and that they worked against American policies .
22 Surprisingly , the respondents believed that independent R&D efforts were the most effective means of learning about rival firms ' technology ( although licensing was also regarded as an effective learning mechanism ) .
23 Diderot believed that political rights belonged to property-owners , and Voltaire similarly identified " the people " with the middle class .
24 The Government believed that postal ballots were essential for the nation 's industrial recovery and regeneration , Mr Galbraith said .
25 In addition , the government believed that local taxation should reflect the role of local authorities as service providers .
26 Piaget believed that educational development had to come from within the child , through a process of building and testing hypotheses within the microworld of a child 's perceptions .
27 In the 1980s , among an entire group of paediatric anaesthetists , a substantial fraction believed that newborn children did not feel pain and therefore they did not give analgesics to newborn babies .
28 The Soviets believed that similar principles might be possible in a German peace treaty .
29 Almost all Japanese believed that colonial rule in Korea should be extended for a very lengthy period , if not permanently .
30 British diplomats in Tokyo believed that increasing signs of restlessness could be perceived and that it would not be wise to delay a peace treaty for much longer .
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