Example sentences of "[noun] to create a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the final part of his Watercolour Master Class Series , Tom Robb combines dry brush techniques with other methods to create a windy scene .
2 For example the Welsh Commission undertook a Special Community Review to create a proper community structure , because the 1972 Act simply designated all the former parishes , boroughs and urban districts as communities irrespective of size and population .
3 Gloucester went on to the final that season while Gosforth merged with the Newcastle club to create a new force in northern rugby … this season they lead the second division … they 're unbeaten too … so Gloucester are up against it
4 Such an approach ignores the magnificent efforts of many of our schools to create a vibrant learning environment encapsulating the need for technological sophistication and real understanding as opposed to mere accumulation of facts unrelated to their present and future worlds .
5 It requires planning , skill and tactics to create a winning side and if the individual players do not fit into the maze , if they can not work within a cohesive unit , then success will elude the whole team .
6 It also takes the Treasury to task over its intention to create a new offence which will be committed by any person acting in the course of any trade , business or profession who does not report his money laundering suspicions .
7 It was , for instance , the Formalists ' avowed aim and intention to create a scientific alternative to subjective chit-chat about literature .
8 As a result , there was serious unrest in Poland over the summer and in Hungary Imre Nagy took steps to create a multi-party state and withdraw from the Warsaw Fact .
9 Church and state would work together , as they always had done , in an attempt to create a coherent image of Peru .
10 At the heart of the Dearing Report 's proposals for a new system for setting accounting standards is an attempt to create a new alliance between accountancy and the law to improve the quality of financial reporting .
11 The second approach was the attempt to create a new class of ‘ master farmer ’ .
12 They were interpreted as an attempt to create a wider market in cultivated land .
13 The attempt to create a unified alliance to the left of the Social Democrats had gathered pace after the SKDL and SKP executives had approved a merger in principle .
14 The Situationists ' activities within the cultural sphere constituted an attempt to create a unified range of activities which functioned as a radical critique of the conventional boundaries between specialisations embedded in the institutions , practices and agencies of modern life .
15 Regalism was a traditional position of the crown , not an attempt to create a lay state — Charles III , the regalist king , was devoted to the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception .
16 It was the belief of Chaptal , Napoleon 's Minister , that the attempt to create a colonial market came too late .
17 The Croatian leadership , however , denounced this as an attempt to create a Greater Serbia , and insisted that peacekeeping forces should be on the legal republican borders .
18 Thus , as soon , was Owen 's attempt to create a nationwide union of workers to collapse ; and with it , his complex of interdependent aims : the assumption by the union of the ownership and control of industry ; the adoption by the union of the co-operative form of organisation as the instrument of ownership and control ; and hence the establishment , even before political democracy , of a comprehensive and integral system of industrial democracy .
19 Last year a judge forced Los Angeles to redraw its districts to create a special Latino one , based on areas with an especially high concentration of Spanish surnames .
20 The neo-Romantic poet and painter David Jones drew on an eclectic range of writing styles to create a whole series of semi-private painted inscriptions .
21 You will gather from that thumbnail sketch , Mr. Speaker , that my constituents have had no problem in following my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister 's recent exhortations to create a classless society .
22 Having eventually gained planning permission , we have now launched in earnest our appeal for funds to create a suitable memorial to her — a campsite at Harrison 's Rocks near her home in , E. Sussex , where she taught climbing with her husband Terry .
23 The tour is necessary , they say , to raise funds to create a safe environment for Barnes 's art — funds they had originally sought by trying to sell up to $100 million in paintings .
24 When going out to meet dolphins he plays ‘ sweet music ’ through the bows of the boat to create a receptive mood and establish trust .
25 It enables you or your adviser to create a personal portfolio which matches your circumstances ’ .
26 Proposals concerning banking are part of a broader programme to create a common market in financial services .
27 CPRW believes there is now a chance to cut through this confusion to create a universal scheme that could provide stability and renewed confidence to the hard-pressed Welsh farming community .
28 The party supported a free-market economy and was prepared to co-operate with other parties to create a national movement to protect human rights in Cambodia .
29 Use leaves from your most decorative house plants and add just a few perfect blooms to create a beautiful corsage for a special occasion .
30 It is a special effect used in thousands of films and TV dramas — the charges trigger a flash to create a realistic gun shot effect .
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