Example sentences of "[noun] imposed by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That shift from the irreplaceability and loss imposed by the cut to the resumption always allowed by interruption suggests again something of the difference of television , and the inappropriateness of a theory of subjectivity which takes castration as a defining moment .
2 Bearing in mind that we can possibly never be sure of the exact positions of the original markers , calculations using the evidence we do have shows a remarkable accuracy within the error parameters imposed by the geometry .
3 But in respect of specific works , the listener 's role is to measure up to the demands imposed by the work itself , to comprehend what is already present .
4 The limits were instigated by the social worker or the residential staff , but were not a condition imposed by the court , and they remained largely unchanged over time .
5 Commercial and merchant interests withdrew support because their economic activity was stifled by the monarchy 's taxes and tariffs , while the mass of working people rebelled to resist levies on their labour imposed by the aristocracy and the church .
6 Scott J did not hint at the reason for such a conclusion , leaving one to speculate as to whether the continued liability of L1 derives from the fact that he is an original party to the lease and therefore subject to the continued liability imposed by the doctrine of privity of contract , or if the important fact is that it was L1 who granted the right of way ( to B ) the exercise of which amounted to a breach of covenant .
7 In her eyes , she could only do so by stepping outside the framework imposed by the Act .
8 Apart from the other limitations referred to here , such community power studies also suffer from the constraint imposed by the non-applicability of reputational methods to national politics .
9 A major problem for those wishing to persuade Mrs Thatcher to change her mind was the time constraint imposed by the leadership election rules .
10 Second , there was considerable background noise imposed by the tinfoil : in practice , by the way it was held in place , and its habit of crinkling from time to time .
11 The sentence imposed by the Court of Appeal presumably incorporates a discount to reflect the fact that the offender had to face the prospect of being sentenced a second time , but there is no indication of the extent of the discount : the case is therefore of limited value as an indication of what the proper sentence would have been at first instance .
12 The sentence imposed by the court was obviously influential .
13 Nor was a reckoning with her grandfather 's shade the only sentence imposed by the spread .
14 Montage is a ‘ juxtaposition of images and sounds ’ without ‘ a unity imposed by the director ’ .
15 Because of the extra loads imposed by the diesel process of compression — ratios of 21.5:1 in the Ford diesels at ignition , more than double those of their comparable petrol engines — cylinder blocks and crankshafts have to be stronger , heavier and therefore costlier .
16 Thus it may well be that the numerous nobles of Aquitaine who went on pilgrimage in the summer of 1179 did so as a penance imposed by the church .
17 HULL 'S Mark Jones last night lost an appeal against a six-match ban imposed by the Rugby League disciplinary committee .
18 The banks are believed to be reaching the point where their capital will fall below the minimum required under rules imposed by the Bank for International Settlements .
19 The council has dispatched nearly 105,000 bills amended to take account of the reduction imposed by the Secretary of State when he capped the council 's expenditure .
20 This fact is generally obscured by the appearance of simplicity and tidiness imposed by the classification of the existing languages of the USSR , since , out of its approximately 105 recognized native languages , only about twenty-nine , belonging to eleven families , are indigenous to Siberia .
21 The court may require any property transferred as part of the transaction to be vested in the company , release any security given by the company , require ‘ any person ’ to make payments to the administrator or liquidator in respect of benefits received by him from the company , provide for a guarantor whose obligations have been discharged to be under revived obligations , provide for security to be given for the discharge of obligations imposed by the order and for the priority which such security shall have , and provide for the extent to which persons may be able to prove in the winding up .
22 Kuusinen quoted to them the obligations imposed by the Whitsun Conference decision : We propose that the following questions be raised for discussion in all the organisations of the ILP. ( l ) What concrete mass actions on the basis of the united front of the C.P.G.B. and the ILP can and must be carried out in the near future with the aim of a successful struggle for a 10% wage increase , against the Means Test , and other similar partial demands advanced by the C.P.G.B. and the ILP ? ( 2 ) Is it desirable for the ILP to join the Communist International as a Party sympathising with Communism with the right to a consultative vote … ?
23 He produced his final design in August 1855 , which Hammond later said was excellent , within the limitations imposed by the site .
24 For immediate use I offer only mathematics , but a little later ( Section 4.3 ) I shall try to show the limitations imposed by the assumption of slow variation .
25 In a sweeping review of the various domains by which proteins bind to DNA , Aaron Klug ( MRC , Cambridge ) revealed the diversity of structures that have evolved to meet the requirements of physical stability and evolutionary flexibility imposed by the need to recognize only a tiny fraction of the binding sites available in an entire genome .
26 The map overlay of point and area information shows generally good agreement with the restriction zones imposed by the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , with the exception of a small area to the south-east of Cumbria , bordering on Lancashire .
27 Company No 00330 of 1991 ex p Holden [ 1991 ] BCC 241 , the service of a transfer notice was a requirement imposed by the company 's board under the Articles of Association .
28 If in a compulsory area the title is still unregistered , deducing and investigation of the unregistered title proceeds in the normal way with only one additional requirement imposed by the system : an additional search , which you ought to make when buying property with an unregistered title , namely , against the " index map and parcels index " .
29 Putting this principle into operation was to prove more difficult and contentious than may have been foreseen , and it was to be several more years before the CNAA was to consider changes in practice and begin consultations towards a new balance of ‘ minimum of control ’ with the duties imposed by the Charter .
30 Turning , then , to the relationship of criminal law and legal theory , I asked what legal theory might contribute to criminal law and I dealt with two central issues ; first , the limits of exposition imposed by the nature of legal rules which , I argue , are essentially incomplete and therefore incapable of a final , exhaustive statement ; and , secondly , the nature of methodological purity , where I argue against a tendency to distort data to fit a favoured critical principle .
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