Example sentences of "[noun] stands for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations organises the Intor workshops ( Intor stands for International Tokamak Reactor ) although most of the work is actually carried out by groups working in their various home laboratories .
2 AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome .
3 CAT stands for cysteic acid treatment , a type of protein to help repair and protect damaged hair .
4 In addition to the known central features at the systemic velocity of the galaxy ( corresponding to the velocity of its centre ) , there are strong redshifted features with intensities of about one-half or one-third of the main features at ( where LSR stands for local standard of rest ) and weak blueshifted features with intensities of about one-tenth at — 300 to -460kms -1 .
5 ICMS stands for Integrated Crop Management Systems and , unless you are involved in produce growing , it is an expression you have probably never heard .
6 RACE stands for rapid amplification of cDNA ends .
7 CNAPS stands for Connected Network of Adaptive ProcessorS , pointing to the fact that the system applies neural network technology , although as neural networks are less fashionable than parallel systems at the moment , the company is describing it as the lowest priced massively parallel system on the market .
8 CNAPS stands for Connected Network of Adaptive ProcessorS , pointing to the fact that the system applies neural network technology , although as neural networks are less fashionable than parallel systems at the moment , the company is describing it as the lowest priced massively parallel system on the market .
9 ( FIMBRA stands for Financial Intermediaries , Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association . )
12 He also quipped that , since NT stands for New Technology , ‘ we will will have to change that when it 's a few years old . ’
13 He also quipped that , since NT stands for New Technology , ‘ we will will have to change that when it 's a few years old . ’
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