Example sentences of "[noun] planned [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Each questionnaire also contained a specimen ‘ data sheet ’ and respondents were asked to complete a data sheet for each in-service training programme planned for the financial year 1984–5 .
2 Investment in upgrading the production process is driving a reorganisation of United Distillers ' operations in Scotland , with more than 100 million capital investment planned over the next three years .
3 The French government has cancelled plans for the building of two of five dams planned for the upper Loire valley .
4 But by combining SkottiS — an exchange planned by the two countries ' Music Information Centres — the scale of this year 's festivities was unprecedented .
5 The authorities confirmed on June 21 that investigations were under way in connection with an alleged coup plot planned by the neo-Nazi Afrikaner Resistance Movement ( AWB ) involving the assassination of , among others , de Klerk and five Cabinet ministers ; acts of sabotage , including the destruction of power stations and poisoning of Soweto 's drinking water , were to be carried out to create chaos and anarchy prior to the coup .
6 Hirschman 's explanation , influenced by the radical Brazilian economist , Antonio Barros de Castro , lay in the fortunate coincidence for Brazil of the 1983 devaluation with the moment when prior investments in heavy industry and infrastructure planned by the military government in the 1970s came to fruition ( Lowenthal , 1987 ) .
7 Following the killing of Judge Giovanni Falcone on May 23 [ see p. 38896 ] , Borsellino had been widely tipped as the probable appointee to head a new anti-Mafia judicial body planned by the Italian government .
8 The increased fines are likely to be in evidence shortly as a result of prosecutions planned by the National Rivers Authority of all 10 privatized water and sewage companies .
9 DOUBTS about the unique computer package planned by the Central Electricity Generating Board to prevent an accident in the reactor of its PWR station have been voiced by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate .
10 A counter-demonstration planned on the same day by the FLN was postponed .
11 Electronic publishing software developer Interleaf Inc , Waltham , Massachusetts , will ship an enhanced version of its RDM relational document management system next month , with Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows versions planned for the first time .
12 On Sept. 17 the same leaders met the Public Security Minister , Ismaila Nimaga , after which they agreed to suspend a rally planned for the following day .
13 Mr Waldegrave has been asked to provide a full explanation of the changes planned by the Northern Regional Health Authority .
14 The pub has been largely unchanged for 100 years but owners Bass took advantage of development planned in the next door antiques market to announce a drastic redevelopment .
15 There will be no conclusions today because , says chairman Brian Walsh , ‘ the committee felt it necessary to find time for a full discussion on cricket outside of the agenda planned for the next scheduled meeting on 26 October . ’
16 The Pixel Semiconductor Inc unit of Cirrus Logic Inc has introduced the CL-PX0072 Video Window Generator I , a Microsoft Corp Video for Windows-compatible chip that features HiQ8 proprietary colour enhancement technology to provide high-quality picture resolutions ; samples from Cirrus Logic cost $32 in quantities of 10,000 or more with volume planned for the current quarter .
17 Library materials , as they include a wider range of formats and a greater proportion of locally produced items planned for the known needs of known students , can make a more varied contribution to student learning than hitherto ; individual study has an increasingly important role in contemporary education , and the new potential of library materials is therefore timely .
18 Up to 90 parking spaces could be lost from the hospital car park and the 86 staff and 30 visitor spaces planned for the private hospital were ‘ wholly inadequate ’ , he said .
19 This new residence , recently named Alexander Court by the former Principal , Sir Kenneth Alexander , is the first of a series of residential developments planned for the eastern end of the campus , beyond Airthrey Castle .
20 A problem with the conversion to domestic use of a church planned in the conventional way arises from the cross-sectional shape of the building .
21 Recording planned for the coming months include Mendelssohn 's Elijah ( with La Chapelle Royale , Collegium Vocale and L'Orchestre des Champs-Elysées ) , anthems by Purcell ( with Collegium Vocale ) , Mahler 's Das Lied von de Erde ( L'Ensemble Musique Oblique ) and Lassus 's Les Larmes de Saint Pierre ( with Ensemble Vocal Européen de la Chapelle Royale ) .
22 Sunday , 21st : A sight-seeing day , on which we visited the Taj Mahal and the nearby Fatipur Sikri , a city planned by the great Moghul emperor Akbar , but never completed and now deserted except for tourists , guides , and sundry holy men .
23 Ernest Kombo , speaker of the transitional legislature , the Higher Council of the Republic ( CSR ) , warned on Sept. 14 , two days before the opening of the CSR 's session , that elections planned for the first half of 1992 might be postponed because a census of the electorate scheduled for mid-September had yet to take place .
24 Most of the courses planned for the forthcoming autumn term of 1956 were 12-week Terminals , although there were also two 21-week Long Terminals and five 24-week Sessionals ; local history , literature and art were the most popular subjects .
25 Air France has reduced costs , with 3,000 job cuts planned over the next two years and the sale of its headquarters .
26 Debate began in the Sejm ( the lower house of parliament ) on Jan. 4 on the government 's provisional budget for the first quarter of 1992 , which included cuts planned by the previous administration of Jan Bielecki and continued reductions in state subsidies .
27 Elections for the Kuwaiti Chamber of Commerce and Industry on May 25 were seen as an indicator of the likely outcome of the general election planned for the following October [ see p. 38789 ] .
28 The audition planned for the early Autumn has now been postponed until after the Crystal Palace Reunion and will now take place on December 5th .
29 The ESA has dropped the idea of swapping Exosat with the communications satellite planned for the next Ariane launch L6 , because Exosat requires a more complex launch into a transfer orbit with a subsequent boost from its own fourth-stage rocket .
30 Professor Verdi tells The Art Newspaper : ‘ This is the first of a series of closely focused and consciously ‘ educative ’ shows planned between the two Birmingham museums to highlight major works in the city 's collections .
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