Example sentences of "[noun] carrying the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , several copies of the record are thought to be in circulation carrying the original Reception logo .
2 Just a few minutes ago the ambulance carrying the two boys arrived at Stoke Mandeville .
3 One of the motorcade cars carrying the only TV crew due to film their arrival broke down .
4 The trunk of the lights should have been marginally taller , the spread of their branches carrying the individual bulbs broader .
5 In subjects carrying the various gene combinations estimated enzyme activity showed a remarkably good correlation with previously determined measures of biochemical severity ( diagnostic phenylalanine concentrations , phenylalanine tolerance during treatment , and response to a standard protein load ) .
6 Torches were already flaring on the castle walls when the first wagons carrying the dismantled mangonels rumbled across the drawbridge .
7 A convoy of four low-loaders carrying the dismantled D furnace and accompanied by a police escort set out from Brymbo for the docks yesterday .
8 The source of the Hin dIII fragment carrying the intact hsdR and hsdM genes , and part of the hsdS gene , was pBg3 [ 26 ] .
9 Moreover , in cases where single stranded DNA is desired from PCR TM II , the host cells must be infected by a helper phage and the yield of a single stranded DNA preparation is much lower than that from filamentous bacteriophage vectors carrying the same segment of foreign DNA ( 4 ) .
10 I carry on munching through my toast , and since there 's no point carrying the last dregs of marmalade to wherever it is we 're going , I scrape an inch-thick layer out of the jar and ask through a mouthful of carbon where the landlord lives .
11 He stared at the WAAF carrying the dreadful implements and turned very pale .
12 Half an hour later , an open-backed lorry carrying the same man and a dozen of his workmates raced past , stopping quickly enough to throw them comically forward , and then reversing hurriedly to me .
13 Robert Sherwood ‘ could not detect a single flaw — not one error of taste or of authenticity ’ and he particularly appreciated the absence of ‘ scenes wherein the doughboys dash over the top carrying the American flag ’ .
14 Of course anyone who has ever attended one of these checks knows that the vehicle examiners , with practised eyes , pull into the checks those lorries carrying the tell-tale signs of overloading or defects .
15 In particular , an important contribution to the study of this system was provided by the characterization of mutant cell lines isolated from wild-type B-cell lines ( 4–6 ) or from patients carrying the bare lymphocyte syndrome ( BLS ) ( 7 ) .
16 A number of transformants carrying the cloned hsd genes were found to display genetic instability resulting from deletion of the cloned fragment ( data not shown ) .
17 With more express items carrying the same design , it will be easier for all countries throughout the world to recognise them and give them priority treatment .
18 Brain RNA from a two-month old transgenic adult carrying the same construct ( adult Tg ) was also analysed in order to compare the ratio of the NF-L transgene expression to that of the endogenous NF-H .
19 The cast-iron bridge carrying the main road over the River Ouzel or Lovat south of the town dates from 18 10 , and is an interesting example of early iron bridge construction .
20 Schregle 's ( 1981 ) approach to this basic problem of what is comparable in cross-national studies is to compare the methods and ways in which particular industrial relations functions are carried out in various countries , rather than simply comparing institutions and procedures carrying the same designation .
21 Odour is perceived when air carrying the odorous material travels through the nostrils , along the air passages up into the olfactory cleft where the odour receptors are situated .
22 A further possible drawback to the Canadian scheme is the structure of the intermediate offence carrying the 14-year penalty .
23 There will be , in the cytoplasm , tRNA molecules carrying the complementary triplet , or ‘ anticodon ’ , CCG .
24 I SHALL treasure my copy of Friday morning 's Times carrying the front-page headline ‘ Exit polls point to certainty of a hung parliament ’ .
25 Shortly after the breakfast party , perhaps the same evening , perhaps the next morning , the bridegroom 's mother would make her way to the home of the bride carrying the first load of treasure .
26 Each of the seven criteria is weighted on an assessment grid with product and delivery carrying the most marks .
27 Below this was a scroll carrying the regimental title .
28 Set up as for video copying , with the audio line carrying the original sound connected via one channel of an audio mixer .
29 Medieval divines pictured Cain carrying the meagre offering of a bunch of thorn sticks .
30 Now , with all their claptrap about citizens charters , the Government have had the BBC send to every Member of Parliament letters carrying the Tory party propaganda that they can not allow pensioners to have a free television licence .
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