Example sentences of "[noun] set up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was also decided that political parties set up in the future should only be granted " observer " status .
2 It 's the only one in Worcestershire — other real ale breweries set up in the county during the nineteen eighties have all since closed down .
3 As for companies from other member states , which by virtue of the first paragraph of article 58 are equated to natural persons for the purposes of the application of the provisions on the right of establishment , the Act of 1988 deprives them of the right to establish themselves in the United Kingdom through the intermediary of agencies , branches or subsidiaries , since it provides that only companies set up under the laws of the United Kingdom may be owners and operators of fishing vessels , and restricts their right of participation in the capital of companies or firms , as the corresponding right of natural persons is restricted by the Act .
4 About half the companies set up in the UK over the last 10 years are no longer with us .
5 In no sense could they be said to be members of industrial co-operatives : that is , of organisations set up for the manufacture of goods or the provision of services and wholly , or very largely , owned and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
6 In 1920 , Moscow recognized the independent governments set up after the defeat of the White forces .
7 Such powers were a necessity for advanced warning , as were the short wavelengths for the much greater precision in the location of targets than was possible with the 11-m waves of the coastal radar stations set up during the late 1930s .
8 Existing techniques are accurate enough to measure such changes in the Sun 's size directly , and monitoring programmes set up in the wake of these various claims and counter-claims will resolve the issue , one way or another , before the end of the decade .
9 Ahead of the opening of a new Supreme Soviet session on Sept. 10 a working group of ministers and experts set up at the end of August had been attempting to synthesise two sets of proposals [ see p. 37663 ] .
10 I had an interview for a job which is a four year term at the — the job is based there but is to run the exams set up of the four major surgical colleges viz London , Glasgow , Edinburgh and Dublin .
11 Several prominent figures refused to take the test , including a former state prosecutor Mohammad Moussavi Khoeniha and a former chief justice Ayatollah Abdelkarim Moussavi Ardebili ; among those who did take it , but failed , were Ayatollah Karrubi and Ayatollah Sadeq Khalkhali ( the head of the Islamic revolutionary courts set up after the 1979 revolution ) .
12 The businessmen then trade their wares , which also include pictures and antiques , at makeshift auctions set up around the province .
13 It was suggested earlier that the agencies set up during the nineteenth century to implement social policies were often ad hoc bodies .
14 Difficulties of accountability have also been created by what are called ‘ regulatory agencies ’ , that is , agencies set up outside the core of government to regulate various aspects of economic and social activity .
15 The final major institution was to be the Court of Justice , not to be confused with the European Court of Human Rights set up under the 1950 Convention and based in Strasbourg along with the Council of Europe .
16 The first should consist of short courses for teachers brought about by expanding the teachers ' centres set up for the Nuffield mathematics and science projects , and should include a one-term secondment in every seven years .
17 There are a number of specialised research organisations and centres set up within the Faculty or in conjunction with other organisations , in which advanced research can be conducted with access to very specialised facilities .
18 All recent committees of inquiry , and some in the past , have been set up specifically for the task in hand , but between 1944 and 1967 many of the inquiries were undertaken by the Central Advisory Councils for Education ( CACE ) for England and for Wales , bodies set up under the 1944 Education Act to advise ministers on important educational issues .
19 She walked slowly up the street on the shaded side , stepping carefully round the stalls set up on the pavement and the goods displayed by some vendors which were spread out on cloths on the pavement itself .
20 Some of the earliest shops were situated in London 's busy market streets such as Queen 's Crescent and Chapel Street , with stalls set up on the pavement .
21 It is also women who are the targets of the state 's sex stormtroopers , the Special Claims Control squads set up in the 1970s .
22 This Act abolished the negotiating procedures set up in the 1965 Remuneration of Teachers Act , replacing them until 1990 by authorising the Secretary of State to appoint an interim advisory committee and to impose teachers ' pay and conditions .
23 Its comments follow a fresh warning by Sir Gordon Borrie , director-general of Fair Trading , that he will take action against long-term beer supply agreements set up between the big brewers and pubs leased to others .
24 USAID , the World Food Programme , and the UN have funded food donations to the army-controlled model villages set up after the uprising in the highlands in the early 1980s .
25 Many ex-army tradeswomen set up in the brewing trade , opening licensed houses where they could .
26 ‘ Paramedics would be used , field hospitals set up at the scene if necessary , helicopters from Whitechapel would fly out casualties , ’ added Mr Whitehead who said a triangle of hospitals would deal with the injured and all the plans were agreed by the airport 's consultative committee .
27 Judges also preside over enquiries set up under the Tribunals of Enquiry ( Evidence ) Act 1921 .
28 Looking outside again Joseph saw then that the smoke and explosions were emanating from tall bamboo poles set up around the courtyard .
29 In 1829 Elie de Beaumont put forward the idea that the Earth is contracting and argued that compressional stresses set up in the crust as a result of the cooling of the Earth 's interior would give rise to faulting , folding and thickening of the crust , and eventually to the formation of mountain ranges .
30 Replacing the old structure which had been closely linked to the CPCz , the new Confederation of Czechoslovak Trade Unions was immediately joined by over 30 unions — both restructured existing unions and new ones set up since the November revolution .
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