Example sentences of "[noun] lived in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On one island the macaques lived in the forested interior .
2 Originally , Claudia and John Roberts lived in the top two floors of their tall , double-fronted end-of-terrace house , a walk away from London 's Regent 's Park and Primrose Hill .
3 The Summerchilds lived in the third one along , with the peeling woodwork and the neglected grey rendering .
4 Excitement mounted ; in her memoirs Princess Marie Louise quotes Sir Edwin Lutyens as saying , ‘ Let us devise and design for all time something which will enable future generations to see how a king and queen of England lived in the twentieth century , and what authors , artists and craftsmen of note there were during their reign . ’
5 Conservative normativism lived in the analytical method , which is rooted in the divorce of fact from value , and law from politics , and which ran hand-in-hand with the recognition of the universal supervisory jurisdiction of our superior courts of law .
6 Another Stapler lived in the tiny Buckinghamshire village of Hogshaw , but his assets , totalling £300 , were exceptional for a country district ; he ranked as a gentleman and was a justice of the peace .
7 My parents lived in the big house and I built a studio and had a whole little place where I could live in the basement and it was very convenient , so David would come round there . ’
8 It has been pointed out that the modern ostrich and the Cretaceous Struthiomimus lived in the same sort of exposed habitat , and thus evolved similar bipedal running gaits .
9 A small , dapper , decisive man who wore a trilby and glasses , the canon lived in the next village and had a passion for small neat things like himself .
10 Morris lived in the Cornish art centre of Newlyn in 1917–20 .
11 Although visiting grandparents was the basis of many significant memories and relationships , it is surprising that in the first set of interviews there are even more significant mentions of grandparents who at some point lived in the same house as their children .
12 In New Zealand , it formerly applied only where husband and wife lived in the same residence at the time of the rape .
13 As in most provincial towns of the time , the wealthiest families lived in the central area and the poorest people lived in the thickly-populated outskirts .
14 Jessamy lived in the ground-floor flat , with direct access to the garden through old-fashioned French windows .
15 ‘ No , but her mother and father lived in the same house and never spoke to each other for over thirty years . ’
16 More than 125 people lived in the two blocks of flats , the Press Trust of India reported .
17 In 1801 a mere twenty-five people lived in the four houses that comprised the settlement of Middlesborough and thirty years later the population stood at only 154 .
18 As in most provincial towns of the time , the wealthiest families lived in the central area and the poorest people lived in the thickly-populated outskirts .
19 Some 500,000,000 people lived in the 42 LDCs ( 110,000,000 of them in Bangladesh ) , where population growth averaged 2.6 per cent .
20 After a hectic day on the circuit his owner would watch as Noddy returned to the pits , his face showing the strain of a life lived in the fast lane .
21 Paternal authority was basic to the Zuwaya image , for loyalties depended on ancient domesticities : it was because your ancestors and his ancestors lived in the same household , under the same authority , that you owed another loyalty ( unless , as happened , you were in dispute with him , in which case those old fraternities marked the division between the two of you ) .
22 It is clear that these women subscribers lived in the best parts of London .
23 Nina lived in the constant expectation that a horde of paparazzi was about to burst into her office and start firing off flashbulbs .
24 According to Booth 8.4 per cent of the people of London lived in the worst condition of being ‘ at all times more or less in want ’ , ‘ ill-nourished and poorly clad ’ .
25 After the Civil War ended in 1939 Ibárruri lived in the Soviet Union and was leader of the PCE in exile , first as secretary-general in 1942 and then as president from 1960 .
26 The Imperial family lived in the southern wing of the Tuileries , that is , between the Pavillon de l'Horloge and the Seine facing the Pont Royal .
27 So Charles and his family lived in the southernmost house and shop on the east side of the street , a fact confirmed by a deed of 1783 which defined the property in question as being immediately to the north of a stable , killing house and other buildings owned by Daniel Rossiter , clothier .
28 The family lived in the eastern side of the house , separated from the kitchens , laundry and servants quarters by a covered walkway that bridged the gardens .
29 A lot of our family lived in the same road .
30 Although various records of their activities exist in Frome itself , many of the Carpenter family lived in the nearby parish of Rodden .
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