Example sentences of "[noun] met [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In September of 1921 , the International Law Association ( ILA ) , an English based private association met in The Hague , Netherlands and drafted a set of voluntary rules to govern some of the main aspects of ocean carriage liability .
2 West European nations met in the US to haggle over a new joint programme of research at the LOFT ( loss of fluid-test ) reactor in Idaho .
3 No less than three UIA work groups met in the UK last year — the Public Health group met in London at the time of the International Hospital Federation conference ; the Region 1 Habitat group met in Birmingham ; and the Architecture in Primary Schools group 2 as associated with the successful BET event in Cambridge .
4 The committee met at the Swan Inn on March 11th 1803 and recommended the appointments of :
5 The Cabinet 's Social Security Committee met in the Downing Street Cabinet room for the first time on Wednesday 6 February 1985 .
6 In 1891 , a group of fern enthusiasts met in the Lake District at the height of the ‘ fern craze ’ .
7 So to New York , where the world of women 's tennis met for the Virginia Slims Championships to a background of political ferment , following my disclosure in The Daily Telegraph , that , like the men three years earlier , the women — or at least the WTA board — felt they were also ready to declare UDI .
8 ON Sunday , February 23rd , 1992 , a group of young , single Catholics met at the RE Centre in Headingley , Leeds to form the 18–30 group of the Association of Single Catholics .
9 Delegates met at the Durham Dales Centre to discuss developing enterprise by making use of locally-offered fax , copying and word-processing services .
10 In May 1948 numerous European political figures met at the Hague and called for the creation of a European parliament as well as an economic union .
11 By October , when the administration 's Operations Sub-Group on Terrorism met in the White House Situation Room , the target list had been whittled down to one , Fawaz Younis , whom the CIA described as ‘ a key player in the back-street world of terrorism … who reported directly to the leadership of the Shiite Amal militia ’ .
12 IN JANUARY 1988 a small group of 50 would-be volunteers met in the Ealing YMCA to learn about AIDS .
13 The SAARC council of ministers met in the Maldives on July 3-4 , 1991 , when it was agreed that the sixth SAARC summit would take place in Sri Lanka in November 1991 .
14 EC Foreign Ministers met in The Hague on Sept. 3 and decided to hold the peace conference proposed on Aug. 27 as early as Sept. 7 .
15 The pair met at the London office of Armitage & Norton , which merged with Saffery Champness in 1986 .
16 The second Mongol-British Round Table met in the UK in November 1989 and Uthany Mavlyet , Minister for the Protection of Nature and the Environment , came to the UK on Feb. 17-24 , 1990 , to study methods of protecting the environment .
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