Example sentences of "[noun] met [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus alerted , a sub-committee of the North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association met on the following morning and resolved that the danger could only be met by " a central organization of owners for the purpose of protecting their interests against the unreasonable demands and actions of trade unions or combinations affecting such interests " .
2 Alex giggled deep down in his stomach and his arms and legs met like a soft anemone over her hand in an attempt to come to terms with it .
3 They changed to a strategy-management mode in which each of the business heads met with the entire executive board once a year to define strategic objectives and once a year to establish a budget .
4 A slight sudden puff of breeze lifted a thickly leafed branch in front of her and she saw two figures , framed by the foliage at the instant their lips met in a long , smooth , seductive and very mutual kiss .
5 She unfastened her own belt , and as her arms wound about his neck their lips met in a long kiss .
6 Among the throngs of passing students I was thinking fondly of Jordi when someone who was obviously an American passed by , and our eyes met for a split second .
7 Their eyes met for a split second , bleak green against ice-blue , and in that fleeting moment she wanted to tell him the truth , she wanted to explain , repaint the picture that had been mistakenly built up .
8 STEVE : ‘ Our eyes met across a crowded ice skating rink when I was 18 .
9 Their eyes met in a long , arching stare .
10 Following the elections the main pro-military parties met with the leading members of the junta to attempt to form a workable coalition .
11 But his first probes to local schools met with an enthusiastic response .
12 The increased use of lower courts met with the general approval of officials .
13 Continuing disturbances in Algiers and other cities met with a further military crackdown on June 30-July 2 .
14 As the two hellraisers met for the first time for the benefit of the world 's press , they exchanged jokes .
15 The five CODESA working groups met for the first time on Jan. 20 in Johannesburg .
16 All was in vain ; the poor law functions of the Boards of Guardians were transferred to the County Council , and on March 29th 1930 the Board of Guardians met for the last time .
17 His creditors met on the 28th and they read a letter from their debtor telling them the law was an enemy he could not conquer .
18 The National Administrative Council met on the following weekend to discuss the situation which had arisen .
19 This will have Vikings , and a long boat , and visitors met by a floating Nordic goddess .
20 Like most innovations potatoes met with a certain resistance from the public both in Britain and on the continent of Europe .
21 This Committee met on a regular basis , made rules and regulations administered charitable funds financed by a tax levied on imports , paid the expenses and salary of a chaplain , physician and surgeon , awarded pensions , buried paupers , assisted shipwrecked mariners and paid the passages of destitute persons stranded in Madeira .
22 As a result , the Committee met on the 3rd tee in December and finally decided to raise it a foot all over and to put up a viewing platform on the right hand side .
23 Early in 1914 , the Board felt it advisable to appoint a House Committee to deal with the day-to-day affairs of the Institution , and the committee met for the first time on 28th April with Mr. W. T. Lansberry in the chair .
24 The Committee met for the first time in Edinburgh in October 1979 .
25 The committee met for the first time on August 12 , to define its aims and draw up a policy programme for the future .
26 That same evening , but after Simon Cormack had fallen asleep and Sam Somerville lay in Quinn 's arms while the tape-recorder breathed into the wall socket , five time-zones further west the White House committee met in the late evening .
27 SOC was formed when a dozen outdoor enthusiasts met in a back room of the Oak Tree pub in Richmond .
28 In the I 9605 , the curriculum development tide carried all before it ; programmed learners and audio-visual enthusiasts met in the general activity of rethinking methods and redesigning curricula .
29 It is important to note here that although an analysis of individual texts follows , the point of this approach is to provide an overall picture of a pupil 's literary diet across a range of texts met in the lower years of the secondary school .
30 The haste , perhaps , and the diffidence both , were encouraged by his wife , who did not like him to talk of Trade , considering it to be vulgar , and yet she was pleased to note that this casual reference to wealth met with a satisfactory , if silent , response .
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