Example sentences of "[noun] comes [prep] [art] end " in BNC.

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1 Hence if , when the lease of The Country Tearooms comes to an end , the tenant , Ms Prim , wishes to renew the tenancy and the landlord is unwilling to do so , Ms Prim may apply to the local county court for a new tenancy based upon the terms of the tenancy which has just expired .
2 What does remain to be done ( although in an ideal world it will already have been settled ) is to record the terms upon which the members have entered into their partnership , and ironically that will involve particular consideration of what is to happen when the partnership comes to an end .
3 As the curative curve of a particular remedy comes to an end , the vital force has only the excess artificial disease stimulus of the remedy to respond to — susceptibility having been satisfied .
4 It is particularly appropriate that this first annual review from the Institute and Faculty comes at the end of a year which has seen so much co-operation between our two organisations .
5 So every ten point six minutes , another engine comes off the end .
6 Beyond Strontian , Loch Sunart comes to an end and the A.884 , a narrow road , branches from the A.861 to round the head of the loch , travel along its southern shore for some miles and then cross the moorlands of Morvern to its terminus at Lochaline , a small coastal village with castle ruins nearby and a seasonal car ferry to the island of Mull .
7 So Witney 's little run comes to an end .
8 The process therefore has two stages , the disqualification stage in which the offender is publicly and symbolically shamed by punishment , and the requalification stage when the punishment comes to an end and the offender is reintegrated into society as a full citizen .
9 As this process comes to an end — as membership in the underclass becomes stable and enduring — greater resentment and social unrest should be expected .
10 Although such charge comes to an end by termination of the marriage following the decree absolute , the charge has probably not been cancelled and this should be done at HM Land Charges Registry ( Form K13 fee £1 ) or at HM Land Registry ( Form 202 accompanied by a certified copy of the decree absoluteno fee Land Registration Fees Order 1992 , Sched 4 , Pt II , para ( 9 ) ) .
11 The 2 per cent incentive comes to an end on 5 April and in the new tax year the national insurance rebate will drop from 5.8 to 4.8 per cent or , grossed up with tax relief , from about 6.5 to about 5.4 per cent .
12 When your mortgage comes to an end , you will use the proceeds to pay off your loan .
13 Occasionally , employers argue that a prolonged illness ‘ frustrates ’ the contract , so that the job comes to an end through operation of the law as a result of the unforeseen occurrence of the sickness , without there being a dismissal .
14 This is another reason why a well-advised employer who offers you an ex gratia payment when your job comes to an end is likely to insist that you are effectively prevented in law from making any further claim against him ( see Chapter 19 ) .
15 Hull 's most important Humberside derby for years comes at the end of a sad week for the club which saw defeat by Widnes on Sunday , and the sacking of Noel Cleal as coach on Monday .
16 This ‘ new economic consensus ’ , as it is being referred to , is already preparing the ground for planned cuts in the economic development budget and the day the Making Belfast Work initiative comes to an end .
17 Taken from Watership Down — her favourite book — it told how rabbits ' leader Hazel comes to the end of her life .
18 Today 's announcement comes at the end of what had been a successful decade for the Trust .
19 Tullamore Musical Society take to the stage on Friday April 2 with the stirring account of a Jewish family on ‘ Fiddler on the Roof ’ and the Festival comes to an end with the Carlow-based Dolmen Musical Theatre with Peter Kennedy 's hit of last year 's Festival ‘ Clown ’ on Saturday night .
20 The interesting bit occurs of course along the line where the extra layer of atoms comes to an end .
21 Salut ! as long-running French drinks feud comes to an end .
22 Perhaps the most poignant echo in the tale comes towards the end where the townspeople , laughing at John , " " kiken and … cape " " , " peer and gape " , into his roof ( 3841 ) , repeating the verb used of Nicholas pretending to be transfixed by his astrological vision ( 3444 ) : the " " folk " " here align themselves with Nicholas — and with Nicholas the trickster , not Nicholas of the branded bum .
23 Ironically , the most noticeable example comes at the end of scene ten , when Broadbent admits that Anderson 's advice on the Czech team 's tactics has proved depressingly sound : Anderson 's laconic replies implicate his loss of interest in the topic , following scene six , even now that Broadbent actually shows interest in what he had said earlier and allocates a turn to him twice .
24 By the time the season comes to an end , the pair and their incubator may have managed to produce as many as thirty-five chicks .
25 As one motor racing season comes to an end , a Banbury engineering company are looking forward to the next .
26 The story of Jesus ' birth comes to an end with Anna , a prophetess who , like Simeon , looked forward to the liberation of Jerusalem and the coming of the Messiah .
27 Obviously , the thing to do is to backwind to the point where the eating of the banana comes to an end and begin the next shot from there .
28 It is thus far from the case that the search for intelligibility comes to an end with history as such .
29 The steady release and peak indicates the best way to use this manure : if it is put down at the end of March , the peak comes towards the end of June .
30 The only feasible ground , as a matter of language , for contending that the right to ask questions and demand answers comes to an end upon charging is that the suspect is no longer a person whose affairs are to be investigated so that there can no longer be ‘ any matter relevant to the investigation . ’
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