Example sentences of "[noun] turned a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rex turned a blind eye to the fact that he was obviously Officer Cecil , poorly disguised in false moustache , tailcoat and spats .
2 Ann turned a laughing face to me .
3 Hrun turned a puzzled face to him .
4 Herr Nordern gave her a ghastly , feeble grin , as if asking for remission , but Frau Nordern turned a cold face away , showing only an upright back and stiff neck which in their rigidity seemed to symbolise the rectitude of all the generations of the Houses of von Bromberg and von Ritter .
5 Frau Nordern turned a marmoreal face , and when she spoke her voice was as cold as her face .
6 His inability to answer her queries turned a suspicious woman into a deeply apprehensive one .
7 Michele turned a huge knob and , rather to her surprise , the left hand door swung open easily .
8 Ross Group turned a half-year profit of £150,000 into a loss of £220,000 , underlining the task which faces the new management .
9 Then the index fell by almost 20 points below Monday 's close after Wall Street turned a tentative opening into a 25 point slump .
10 It is perhaps not to be wondered that when the clouds of war then appeared , those in high places turned a speculative eye on this , the greatest privately-owned railway organisation in the world , with facilities and space , equipped in a wide range , from precision tools to mighty hammers , forges , foundries , and a tradition of skilled craftsmanship grafted to modern organisational and administrative ability , for a possible source of production of the sinews of war .
11 HUNDREDS of motorists drove into a gooey mess as heavy rain turned a newly-laid road into a swamp .
12 The SDP won an extraordinary by-election success at Crosby in Liverpool in November 1981 , when Shirley Williams turned a Tory majority of 19,000 into an SDP majority of 5,000 .
13 The owners turned a deaf ear to such an expensive demand .
14 When the carts had moved on Joseph turned a horrified face to his brother .
15 Members of the Academy turned a blind eye to the black marketeers , because the Seven Planets needed food and supplies and the corporations would n't trade with independent worlds .
16 Aggie turned a scornful glance on Ben , then pushed the cart through the gateway on to the road .
17 Incidentally ; the choice of these two films represents a critical opinion , not only of their special effects though these are outstanding too , even if Oscar turned a blind eye but of the films as a whole .
18 Angelina turned a cold eye on him .
19 The man turned a grease-smeared face .
20 Tuppe turned a fair coin impersonating babies for TV commercials , but his mind was ever upon higher things .
21 As Tabitha was trying to get past a couple of coked-up Thrants in expensive shakos and boiled leather , one of the Palernians turned a clumsy somersault , and one of the others pushed her into the canal .
22 Stalin 's collectivization and industrialization drive launched at the end of the 1920s was accompanied by untold horrors : acute deprivation of workers and peasants alike , epitomized by a catastrophic famine in 1933 to which the government turned a blind eye ; repression and imprisonment on a truly mass scale ; and the blood-letting of the Great Terror of 1936–38 .
23 ‘ She 's no niece o'mine , ’ grumbled Jack , shrugging helplessly when his daughter turned a horrified look on him .
24 McPhee turned a concerned face towards him .
25 Stigwood turned a local scene into an international sensation , launched John Travolta as a box office star and cult hero and masterminded the biggest-selling soundtrack album of all time with a movie that encapsulated the energy and release of the disco age .
26 The whole hand turned a deep shade of scarlet , the flesh itself heating up .
27 This was the normal relaxation of a king 's leisure : Henry I of Germany was so keen a huntsman that he ‘ would take forty or more wild beasts in a day ’ ; the Norman kings turned a substantial proportion of their kingdom into game preserves ; hunting was the natural sport of a militant aristocracy , venting on animals the energy and spleen left over from fighting their own kind .
28 We met when I was researching some material on community care , and her great good humour and flawless memory for fascinating aspects of social history turned a one-off interview into an intermittently enjoyed friendship .
29 Back in the study , Flora turned a beseeching face upon Anna .
30 Our knowledge of all these sides of religious life at Canterbury at the time of the Conquest has had to be reconstructed by laborious scholarship , largely because Lanfranc turned a blind eye to every aspect of a native religious tradition .
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