Example sentences of "[noun] began [to-vb] from the " in BNC.

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1 They turned , staying in the centre of Cheapside as the melting snow began to slide from the sloping tiled roofs .
2 As will be discussed in Chapter 10 , the first big generation of owner-occupiers began to retire from the 1960s onwards .
3 Held , dismissing the appeal , that it was implicit in the Housing Act 1957 that a local authority must serve a demand for expenses before bringing an action to recover them under section 10(3) ; but that the requirement to serve such a demand before taking action was a mere procedural step which was not part of the cause of action and that , save as expressly provided by section 10(4) for summary proceedings , the period of limitation began to run from the completion of the works ; and that , accordingly , the action was statute-barred ( post , pp. 126F–G , 129E — 130B ) .
4 Finally , when the walls of Amal 's room began to vibrate from the sounds of the bass from the stereo , she decided to go downstairs to ask her brother and his friends to turn down their music .
5 James I believed that ‘ Kings were breathing images of God upon earth ’ and he insisted on lecturing Parliament , so the relationship between King and Parliament steadily deteriorated and much of the political initiative began to pass from the House of Lords to the House of Commons .
6 A terrible roaring sound began to emanate from the doomed building , and the bystanders were ordered to get well away .
7 Charles Tilly ( 1975 ) , in his introduction and conclusion to a volume which examines in detail some major aspects of the development of national states in Western Europe , considers the specific conditions in which these states began to emerge from the beginning of the sixteenth century , outlines their distinctive features , and reviews the causes of their development and eventual dominance .
8 Thus MLF began to disappear from the agenda .
9 And William began to run from the approaching cart , which was piled high with the bodies of the plague victims , and as he ran the streets became the familiar streets of his childhood and he knew that all the time he was running from the terrible cart he was getting closer and closer to the dark house by the railway embankment with its shuttered windows and its locked door , and that this was more terrible to him than anything in his history books .
10 The competitive position of the UK began to improve from the middle of the 1980s , with the rate of stamp duty being cut from 2% to 1% in April 1984 and to 0.5% in October 1986 .
11 Only when the baby 's head began to emerge from the womb was a doctor sent for .
12 And the Russians were here , just as the morning mist began to lift from the chateau grounds .
13 Even though Churchill was appointed as one of the presidents of the Movement , it was at this point that British leadership began to disappear from the unity movement .
14 The people began to recover from the horrors of the long war with Chaos and for a while the population grew .
15 Once the father was imprisoned , new and even more disturbing allegations began to emerge from the children .
16 It would appear that there was some increase in the marriage rates among those in their early twenties during the early 1920s , perhaps because of the delays caused by the First World War , and after 1934 , when the domestic economy began to revive from the worst excesses of the slump .
17 Moreover , even when access to primary materials began to improve from the late 1950s and early 60s , the major contours of the liberal approach remained unchanged .
18 Soviet security forces began to withdraw from the Baltics , including the Vilnius television tower which had been occupied in January 1991 .
19 Once returns began to grow and disillusion amongst consumers had set in , the new players began to withdraw from the market almost as quickly as they had entered .
20 Extra-parliamentary agitation began to shift from the unemployed movement to opposition to fascism , despite the fact that the unemployed demonstrations continued to attract popular attention .
21 This had been defeated and the League began to move from the elaboration of policy to agitation .
22 Yet the king-duke began to insist from the 1270s onwards that all allods were sub posse et dominio … regis et ducis ( ‘ under the power and dominion of the king-duke ’ ) .
23 By mid-1946 , serious alarm was being expressed within the USA about Soviet expansion in Europe ( coupled with the revelations from Canada of a Soviet atomic spy ring ) , and a tougher line began to emerge from the White House on foreign policy issues .
24 Unsuccessful at first , southern whaling began to flourish from the first decade of the 20th century , based initially at shore stations on South Georgia , later on pelagic fleets of factory ships and catchers .
25 Sometimes the wheelbarrow was stuck so firmly that the aluminium honeycomb began to rip from the rim as I pushed .
26 We finished our drinks and Siegfried immersed himself in the Veterinary Record as savoury smells began to issue from the kitchen .
27 It was the Church , and more specifically the papacy , as Ullmann pointed out , that from the mid-eighth century kept the Roman law alive in the West by its own transmission and absorption of Roman law and Roman law principles of government , and in particular in the imperial idea which the papacy began to foster from the end of that century .
28 October marked the moment at which power began to move from the hands of the mass movement , then at full tide , into the hands of an organization determined to exercise control from above .
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