Example sentences of "[noun] told he [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ken told him about a trip he had made to Spain with a friend whom he called ‘ Milicent ’ .
2 Davide had turned up a coin , one afternoon , when he was mooning around ; it was a common enough type , the professor told him in the museum at Riba , where he took it for an opinion .
3 Ken particularly liked the story Orton told him about a man he had picked up in a lavatory and asked him if he did it often .
4 Ward told him about the two diversions below Chilete and the need to switch to the old road that ran along the lip of the gorge .
5 ‘ Rachel 's , ’ Maria told him in a quietly biting tone , although she was still shaking inwardly .
6 Kelly told him about the call to the weighing room , her father 's letter , the death of Broom-Parker .
7 ‘ You 've changed since last night , ’ Ruth told him in a soft murmur .
8 The whole contra operation was ‘ for God and Country , ’ , Owen said North told him in the beginning ; at its end , it had all still been done ‘ in the best interests of the United States of America ’ .
9 The African told him of the anger in the hearts of his generation .
10 Dr Tariq told him of the death of Professor Khan , of the defection of the two French engineers , and of the Italian laboratory engineers , of a letter bomb that had been received , correctly addressed , to the same complex , to the very building alongside the one in which he now sat .
11 Lucy Lane told him about the journal .
12 The old man listened as the general told him about the incident at Pulkovo Airport .
13 A friend told him about an ex-demonstration model available at a heavily discounted price .
14 On the way out , a policeman told him about the tragedy that was unfolding at the far end of the ground .
15 So , yeah it 's erm I think he 's living with Marion told him about the house , it 's one of the girls who was in English last year with her , Maureen , he 's living with her and another girl , and another boy .
16 Then Mary told him about the moor , and Dickon , and Ben Weatherstaff , and the robin , and Colin listened to it all with great interest .
17 Mr Justice Ognall told him after the verdict at the end of the three-week trial : ‘ You have been convicted on the most clear and compelling evidence of the murder of your wife . ’
18 Mr Justice Ognall told him after the verdict at the end of the three-week trial : ‘ You have been convicted on the most clear and compelling evidence of the murder of your wife .
19 ‘ In your brother 's papers there is mention of something your father told him about a year ago which greatly surprised and puzzled him .
20 The American people told him at the polls what they had been screaming from the rooftops for two years .
21 He learned the truth about the cuttings , closing his eyes when he thought of her sitting in the attic , her long day done , painstakingly writing for O'Connor the articles whose brilliance and feeling told him of the intellect which lay behind her beautiful face and emphasised again what he had thrown away .
22 Unprompted , a farm labourer told him of the tradition of an old track precisely on the line where he had surmised the ley to be .
23 Lowell told him about the trap .
24 In J.F. Campbell 's Popular Tales of the West Highlands ( XXVIII ) there is the story of The Smith and The Fairies which the Rev. Thomas Pattieson told him about a MacEachern at Crosbrig .
25 The players told him after the game that the lights did not trouble them as much as sunlight .
26 Finn told him about the murders of the tramp and the taxi driver .
27 The society told him in a letter : ‘ We would advise that as you retired from work in December of last year , you are no longer eligible for cover under this policy .
28 Athelstan told him of the visits to the death house and the gibbet .
29 The police told him of the allegations from three children , but were , in his words , ‘ fairly vague ’ about the questioning .
30 Fraulein Winkelmann told him for the Good God 's sake to get the papers fast , and Bruno went away and came back and pointed the Luger yet again .
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