Example sentences of "[noun] gave him [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His big break came when a Rolling Stone critic gave him a rave write-up and major record companies fell over themselves in an attempt to be the first to sign this new blues sensation .
2 And Irina , although her speech remained ironic , scolding , teasing , her eyes gave him a welcome which stirred his heart .
3 The red-and-white skull-cap above the monkey eyes gave him the air of a performing chimpanzee .
4 His blade lent him power beyond mortal reckoning ; the eternal flame gave him the strength to use it .
5 Afterwards , the people of Haworth gave him a gold watch .
6 On a larger scale one might observe that his lifelong preoccupation with words gave him a kind of sensitivity to them , even if it was an unorthodox one ; and further that it is strange that a myth should so make its way if enshrined and embodied in words as inappropriate as critics have made out .
7 The soft lines of the sweatshirt that moulded the broad shoulders gave him an air of easy , masculine power , and the blue almost exactly matched the blue of his eyes .
8 Then a businessman asked whether he should buy this and that stock his broker had recommended on the sly , and — after a moment of concentration — Kruger gave him the word to hold off , presumably making a mental note to sweep the market himself .
9 He wore no tie , but the effect of his neat sleeked-back hair and thick-framed spectacles gave him the look of a rather stern and learned professor .
10 Like Wilson , Nixon believed that his national mandate gave him a legitimacy that the legislature lacked , a body that was , ‘ cumbersome , undisciplined , isolationist , fiscally irresponsible , overly vulnerable to pressures from organized minorities , and too dominated by the media ’ .
11 The imp gave him a kind but pitying look .
12 Schellenberg gave him a cigarette .
13 This seems to have been an important period for Williams , for his lecture programme gave him the opportunity to broaden his contacts .
14 Benedict settled his own needs and the lawyer gave him a draft on Lady Merchiston 's bankers .
15 Cotton gave him a glare , and stalked out .
16 It was at last year 's parade that Elham gave him the idea when she said : ‘ I wish I could enjoy what I am experiencing here , but back in my mind there are too many innocent children left with no hopes and no future .
17 Ginny gave him the address and phone number of her office , and arranged to meet him there at 12.45 .
18 Mungo noticed that his window gave him a view of the field and the edge of the forest .
19 The specialist gave him a series of injections which did n't exactly help him feel happy .
20 The poor sod does n't like it , but the boss gave him no choice .
21 And personal poetry gave him the icks He could n't
22 He took out his wallet and Reynolds gave him the parcel .
23 Maggie May gave him a hand-job .
24 Sikes and Nancy gave him no chance to escape and Oliver had no breath to call out for help .
25 An office cleaner went on a betting spree after a TSB error gave him a £10,000 bank overdraft , Liverpool Crown Court was told yesterday .
26 Lorton was relieved that the clutch gave him no trouble : the wound in his leg had been designed to scare him , not to incapacitate him .
27 Story-tellers gave him the title The Blessed , in reference to his many artistic talents , for Bran was a gifted harpist and poet .
28 The fact that he was black and a Tory gave him a value out of proportion to his contribution to the local Party , so he was frequently trotted out at functions , and encouraged to ask questions of visiting speakers .
29 Ruth gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek .
30 ( Act 1 scene 3 ) And , only three lines after this , the theme of belief in the power of evil is shown by Macbeth when he says that the witches gave him the Thanehood when it was actually the king .
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