Example sentences of "[noun] face to [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 The two friends with whom he joined up were not so lucky ; their deaths brought David face to face with the human cost of war and his naive teenage thoughts of glory changed to fear and loathing of war .
2 He thought always much too easily , in highly unrealistic terms , of the peoples he ruled as a mere aggregate of individuals face to face with an absolute State .
3 One of the persistent misconceptions about professional work in the human service occupations is that it mainly takes place face to face with clients or patients and that time spent with others about the client or patient is a necessary but regrettable adjunct to the real work .
4 Thus , they assert that the STV " puts the electors face to face with the candidates without interposing the party machine between them " .
5 ‘ Shame to spoil it for you , then , ’ he said tartly , and walked off , leaving Gabriel face to face with the recorder-player he had seen on stage .
6 Richard Baxter movingly brought his people face to face with the great realities of heaven and of hell , with God and with eternity .
7 Malhandir brought Tyrion face to face with the Witch King 's standard bearer .
8 Law 's campaign against Home Rule also brought the Liberal government face to face with power politics and showed up the hollowness of the reasoned optimism that underlay Edwardian Liberalism .
9 Another lingering lament of Auntie Rose ( Susan Fleetwood ) , seated in the armchair face to camera with no gimmicky cuts , is hauntingly moving .
10 Like a cat confronted by pigeons , or a terrier face to face with a rodent , I was ready and eager to do battle .
11 And to attribute knowledge of Truth to the voice of conscience in this way , or to the religious and ethical criteria of a particular form of life , inevitably brings Gandhi face to face with the problem of the relativity of truth and with the question whether under the circumstances one is justified in talking about absolute Truth at all .
12 The building of the aircraft — this was the real thing not a toy — and the fabrication of many working parts to fine tolerances brought the students face to face with many new situations .
13 But how would the British react to being given the chance to air their views face to face with a politician ?
14 It is also likely to bring even the larger authorities face to face with the problem of staff mobility — where the absence of one or two people attending an external course may be relatively easily absorbed ( except in smaller authorities ) , internal training is uneconomic for one or two people — and ideally , lends itself to a continuous programme .
15 I was amazed when , 30 more yards up the gully , I cam face to face with a blank , moss-covered wall .
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