Example sentences of "[noun] to see [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He said he only needed to do two or three locums at these school clinics to see him round the other half of the world and he went off .
2 It may take several releases and many months before the company starts to see a return on its investments , so it is essential for an indie to have a relatively solid financial base to see it through the difficult early stages and to sustain the levels of promotion until an act on the label breaks .
3 ‘ The Daleks ’ , however , took the show up into the rarified heights of peak viewing , prompting programme schedulers to see it as a very useful keystone in grabbing audiences for the whole of Saturday evening — which had been Donald Baverstock 's prime intention all along .
4 I have today won a concession from the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , in as much as he is going to give a delegation from the Southampton and district licensed victuallers an opportunity to see him at the Department to talk over some of these matters .
5 This chapter is an account of the process and is an attempt to see it from the family 's perspective .
6 ‘ I buy enough marmalade at local fayres to see me through the year .
7 Virgin Atlantic , as the new airline was to be called , would need to become airborne within the next three to four months , to take advantage of the summer traffic and generate the necessary cash reserves to see it through the fallow winter months .
8 She did n't care about anything ; she just wanted Meredith to see her on the back of the Prince 's white charger .
9 I was still more surprised when some of their parents arrived in motor cars to see them at the weekend
10 I was on my way to Glen Nevis with enough gear to see me through the night .
11 She struggled to her feet to see him to the door .
12 It seemed that all the intelligence had gone to Constance , leaving her brothers with only wariness and guile to see them through the vicissitudes of life , although , Scarlet had to admit , they could be surprisingly kind .
13 These were the children some of the teachers looked down on because they came to school with unmended holes in their jumpers , or no proper shoes , only canvas sandshoes to see them through the winter .
14 He was much respected for his knowledge of golf courses , but was a throwback to the days when caddies wore old macs or tweed overcoats , slept rough in the summer , and in October committed a misdemeanour mild enough to ensure six months in jail to see them through the winter and send them out sobered up and refreshed for the new golf season .
15 They 've turned down several lucrative offers to reform in the past , but feel that now is the time for fans outside London to get a chance to see them in the flesh . ’
16 In fact , a musical dedicated to Elvis is on tour , giving two fans the chance to see it for the FORTIETH time .
17 We get our chance to see it in the Ulster Hall on Wednesday 14th April .
18 ‘ It will please the Colonel to see them at the breakfast-table in the morning , ’ I-said .
19 Her parents travelled home in the first week of October leaving her with fields enriched by the presence of a few dozen sheep and enough advice to see her through the cow 's first calving and the sow 's first litter .
20 It does not take too much distortion to see it as an anti-abortion tract .
21 But now the firm which employs 150 people in Belle Vale Road , Gateacre , wants people to see it as a classy and versatile product .
22 Could I make an appointment to see her at the Education Office to sort out the dinner money debts once and for all — hopefully .
23 It makes more sense to see it as a career development move , providing an understanding and appreciation of both sides of the divide , ’ she says .
24 Would some lingering affection for the man she had once married have driven her to France to see him for the last time ?
25 You gave me to understand that even if you had not had your accident you would almost certainly not have come to France to see him at the end . ’
26 In this mailing from the Office you will already see that a National Draw is taking place , this was planned 12 months ago to increase our income , now we have to rely on the profit to see us through the lean times .
27 The local area , of course should be a springboard not a straitjacket , and pupils need to be encouraged to move out from their locality to see it in a wider context , to compare it with other places , and above all , whatever period is under study , to begin to understand why the changes they have documented took place .
28 She had not yet worn any of the gowns sent by Tamar and was longing for Bob to see her in the blue one .
29 She had enough tins in the larder to see them through a few days at least .
30 It is characteristic of Milton to wish his audience to see him as a writer familiar with highly regarded literary writing and able to employ it to more serious purpose than it had been previously .
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